2 / F, building 2, poly Central Plaza, Yingbin Road, Jiyang District, Sanya, Hainan, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
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Diana Vlasova
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Overnattede i nov. 2024
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 29. dec. 2024
We stayed here about a week and it was the best choice. The apartment is modern, clean, nicely furnished, has two toilets, seperate rooms with comfy beds, cosy living room. Every day we were happy to come back and relax after a long day of walking around the city. Though it is a bit far from the beach, it surrounded by lots of beautiful parks and interesting locations. The personal is friendly and very helpful. We will definitely come back here again
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guest,We are thrilled to hear that you had such a wonderful stay with us for about a week. It's fantastic that you found the apartment modern, clean, and well-furnished, and that it provided a comfortable place for you to relax after a long day.We understand that the distance to the beach might have been a minor inconvenience, but we're glad the surrounding parks and interesting locations added to your experience.Our staff is always happy to be friendly and helpful, and we look forward to welcoming you back again soon.Thank you for your kind words and for choosing to stay with us.
 The hotel is clean and has a variety of restaurants around, but it's difficult to find when searching by address.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guest,Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We're delighted to hear that you found our hotel clean and appreciated the diverse dining options in the vicinity.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you faced while trying to locate the hotel using the address. This is a concern we take seriously. We'll review and optimize our address information on various platforms to ensure it's more straightforward for future guests to find us.We hope that despite this minor setback, you had an overall pleasant stay. We look forward to welcoming you back and providing an even
I stayed at this apartment and overall had a good experience. The place was clean and well-maintained, and the location was very convenient, making it easy to get around. However, the mattress was extremely hard and not comfortable, which made it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. If the mattress were improved, it would be a perfect stay.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您選擇我們的公寓,並分享您的住宿體驗。得知您對公寓的整體感受不錯,且認可我們乾淨整潔的環境以及便利的位置,這讓我們深感欣慰。對於床墊太硬給您帶來的睡眠困擾,我們深表歉意。您的反饋對我們至關重要,我們會立即安排相關人員對床墊情況進行評估,並考慮做出相應的改善,為後續客人提供更舒適的睡眠體驗。非常感謝您提出如此寶貴的建議,希望未來您再次光臨之時,能感受到我們的改變,為您帶來一次完美的住宿體驗。期待與您再次相遇!
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Overnattede i jun. 2024
7 anmeldelse
Slået op den 26. jul. 2024
This apartment has kitchen facilities. It is a duplex apartment with three separate bedrooms and two toilets. It is a big apartment with lots of space. There are three traffic signals between the hotel and Sanya Bay, which is around 3 kilometers away from the sea beach, but public transportation is convenient. The building has car parking. We enjoyed our stay in this hotel and felt comfortable. My kids like this apartment a lot as they are playing around.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您入住並分享, 很高興小店的每一個環節都得到您的認可, 通過您細緻入微的描述, 可以感受到這次旅程給您帶來的幸福感, 這是我們服務者一直追求的, 這也將成為我們繼續努力、不斷進取的動力, 期待下次為您服務!
A very convenient location and the apartment layout is good for families
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guest,Thank you so much for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you found the location very convenient and the apartment layout suitable for families. Your satisfaction is our top priority. We look forward to welcoming you and your family back again soon!Best regards,
Iaroslav Timofeev
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Overnattede i nov. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 11. dec. 2024
The room was clean, all is good, but little kitchen utensils
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guest,Thank you for your feedback. We're glad the room was clean and overall you had a good experience. We apologize for the shortage of kitchen utensils. We will look into improving this aspect to make your next stay even more perfect. Looking forward to welcoming you again.
John Smith99
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Overnattede i dec. 2023
44 anmeldelse
Slået op den 4. feb. 2024
My wife and son had a great time staying at this self catering apartment in Sanya.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好! 感謝您的光臨, 同時也真誠感謝您對我們的喜愛和認可, 您記住了在這裏的美好時光讓我們心裏很感動,讓客人享有美好入住體驗是我們義不容辭的責任, 能得到您的讚許我們深感榮幸, 同時我們也更有動力繼續前行, 希望能有更多為您服務的機會!
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Overnattede i feb. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. mar. 2024
Upon our first arrival, our family found ourselves a bit confused about the location of the apartment. However, the staff were incredibly friendly and promptly came down to assist us in finding our way to the apartment. Once inside, we were pleased to find that the apartment was well-equipped with all the necessary amenities. Overall, despite the initial confusion, our experience was positive, thanks to the helpful and accommodating service provided.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您的入住,我們是位於三亞CBD商務核心區-保利中環廣場,周邊寫字樓林立,樓下商圈成熟,居民小區環繞,吃喝玩樂都很方便,我們的房源也都是全新裝修,採購的純實木傢俱,健康無污染,我們一定會認認真真做服務,讓每一位選擇我們家的客人都能住的舒心,玩的開心,歡迎您的下一次光臨哦~
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人,看到您一家人在這兒住得開心滿意,我們心裏也暖乎乎的~前台給您升級房型,就是希望能讓您的旅途更舒心,看來這小小的舉動真的讓您感受到我們的心意啦。我們一直很注重衞生、環境和服務,能得到您的認可超開心!三亞的美景四季常在,高鐵站也近,下次您再來,我們還在這兒等着您,給您家一般的温暖
Хорошее расположение апартаментов. Парки в пешей доступности.Есть кухня, но отсутствует посуда ( нет ни сковородок, ни кастрюль). Чтобы попасть на ресепшн необходимо подняться на второй этаж комплекса по эскалатору или на лифте. Прямо напротив лифта комната, ориентир зеленый зонт от солнца. Туда и заходите.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 十分感謝您的好評,是對我們最大的認可,我們是位於三亞CBD商務核心區-保利中環廣場,周邊寫字樓林立,樓下商圈成熟,居民小區環繞,吃喝玩樂都很方便,我們的房源也都是全新裝修,採購的純實木傢俱,健康無污染,我們一定會認認真真做服務,讓每一位選擇我們家的客人都能住的舒心,玩的開心,歡迎您的下一次光臨哦~
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的旅行達人呀,看到您的評價我們開心到飛起!200 多能讓您在海南有這麼棒的體驗,這也是我們一直努力追求的目標,看來這次是穩穩達成啦!您二刷三亞還選了咱們家,一開始對我們的高分存疑,來了就被實力圈粉,嘿嘿,這感覺就像挖到寶藏一樣呢!管家們收到您的表揚,肯定心裏樂開了花,尤其是小胖同學,估計尾巴都要翹到天上去咯~他一直把客人的事兒當成自己的事兒,您的認可就是對他最大的獎勵。期待您再次來三亞呀,咱們一定給您準備更貼心的服務,讓您住得比上次還舒心!也盼着您下次能拍出美美的清晰照片,分享更多咱們家的美~
Duplex Suite - 2-Værelse, By-Udsigt (1 stue, køkken, køleskab)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您選擇我們公寓,並給予如此高的評價!得知您在公寓度過了一段愉快的時光,我們倍感榮幸。您提到房間寬敞整潔,適合家庭出遊,這正是我們一直努力營造的居住環境,能得到您的認可,我們深感欣慰。同時,公寓所處的優越位置,周邊吃喝玩樂一應俱全,也為您的旅途增添了不少便利。2 月中下旬的三亞氣候宜人,我們很開心能成為您在三亞的性價比之選。期待您的再次光臨,我們將一如既往地為您提供優質的服務,讓您的每一次入住都舒適難忘!再次感謝您的支持與喜愛!
Хорошая квартира. Ночью долго искали ресепшн, был выключен свет и админ спал. Находится на втором этаже с улицы, напротив выхода из уличного лифта. Для поиска используйте название Poly Central Plaza. Администратор разговаривает только на Китайском.
Также сняли хороший байк Niu на ресепшн за 50 юаней в сутки.
Расположен рядом с новым ТЦ Джой Сити. Во дворе есть кафе, бургерные и круглосуточные супермаркеты.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您選擇我們的公寓,也感謝您對公寓周邊設施、自行車租賃等方面的認可,得知您覺得公寓漂亮,我們深感榮幸。但對於您提及尋找晚上接待處困難,燈關閉且管理員在睡覺,以及管理員衹會説中文給您帶來不便,我們深表歉意。我們會加強對夜間接待流程的管理,確保接待處清晰易找且隨時有人值班,同時也會考慮提升工作人員的語言能力,為國際友人提供更便捷的溝通服務。再次感謝您的反饋,希望未來您再次入住時,能感受到我們改進後的優質服務。期待您的下次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 客官,您這好評就像一陣春風吹進了我們公寓呀!哈哈。咱們這位置,那就是專門為方便大家打造的,周邊美食就像一個個小寶藏,隨時等着您去挖掘。老闆免費升級房間?那是因為您這麼好的客人不配享受更好的待遇都説不過去啦!房間寬敞、設施全,這可是我們的基本功,就像練武之人要先紮好馬步一樣紮實。服務好也是應該的嘛,畢竟您的滿意就是我們的“武功祕籍”。哇,提到海邊的落日,那可不得了!二公里的路程就像是通往夢幻世界的神祕通道,落日就像世界贈給大海的鑽石,閃耀極了。您下次再來的時候,説不定能遇到更美的景色哦,期待您的再次光臨!😎
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:看到您給出如此高的評價,我們內心滿是喜悦與感激!酒店一直致力於為客人營造乾淨整潔的環境、温馨舒適的房間,提供柔軟床品,讓大家能擁有優質睡眠;工作人員熱情周到服務,及時解決問題,也是我們服務的核心要求;優越的地理位置,周邊豐富的餐飲購物資源,更是為客人出行提供便利。您的認可就是我們前行的動力,期待您再次帶着家人朋友光臨,我們定不辜負您的推薦與信任!