In Li River Craftsman Village, Guilin, China, Lingchuan, Guangxi, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
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Boutique Mini Room (Special Promotion)
Overnattede i feb. 2024
Rejs med venner
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 13. feb. 2024
Dong Li Gu Cun was the most wonderful experience we had in China, with comfortable rooms and delicious meals. The staff is highly receptive and warm, with very good tips for the trip, and attention to details. We felt in heaven, in a awesome scenic area, with the true Chinese spirit.
There are many options of activities throughout the village, from craftsmanship of chopsticks, porcelain, preparation of traditional food and beverages and much more. There are also many activities for children. Special thanks to Xia, Kay and Chen, for the cultural immersion and special attention, since we were the sole foreigners in the village.
We highly recommend the Li River Craftsmen in the Spring Festival if you want to have a traditional experience, and we regret to spend only 4 days there, because we would like to stay at least a whole week. We intend to return in the near future.
Svar fra overnatningssted: I am Xia, thank you very much for your evaluation!Thank you very much for liking traditional Chinese villages, culture, and handicrafts!Looking forward to you, your family, and friends coming again!
Boutique Mini Room (Special Promotion)
Overnattede i apr. 2023
32 anmeldelse
Slået op den 27. jun. 2023
Perfect location. Perfect service. An absolute recommendation for families with great opportunities to learn about local craftsmanship culture.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for your high recommendation and support! The 2nd China Plant Dye Art Field & Brand Conference will be held in our village during this summer vacation. We welcome you to bring your family to the village again for a holiday! Wish you and your family much happiness and prosperity!
Elegant Queen Size Seng Værelse
Overnattede i jul. 2022
39 anmeldelse
Slået op den 28. jul. 2022
Part hotel, part theme town, part working village. Beautifully restored. Interesting to explore, especially the barns full of doors, shutters and furniture waiting to be restored. Very charming and helpful staff.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Very pleased to see your comments that you enjoyed staying in our village. Really appreciate it. Look forward to seeing you again in the future.Regarding the furniture you mentioned, cause they all have a hurdred years' history, we are gradually repairing them with traditional handcrafts. Hope we can get your full score when you visit us next time. Thanks for your attention and suggestion!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,非常感謝您選擇入住我們東漓古村民宿,並給予了認可評價。能得到您的認可也讓我們倍感温暖,在此由衷的感謝!是的我們東漓古村隸屬自然生態村,除了有深厚的人文歷史底藴,也更貼近自然煙火。同時我們也在不斷地完善和提升自己,讓我們能更好的為您提供服務。期待與您再次相遇東漓,一起採菊東籬下,悠然見南山!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 超級開心您抽出寶貴的時間給東漓古村五星好評,也感謝您對東漓古村的支持與肯定,有您的支持我們會不斷努力會越來越好,東漓古村距離古東瀑布、冠巖、磨盤山碼頭,都很近~不管是滴滴打車、自駕,都很方便呢~東漓古村風景優美且安靜,不想出門可以坐在房間的陽台上靜靜的喝茶享受着生活的愜意,在景區喂喂牛,雞,大堂書吧看書泡茶是十分美好的呢~期待與您下次相聚喲,祝您生活愉快,工作順利。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們東漓古村,並有好的體驗。能得到您的認可也讓我們倍感温暖,在此由衷的感謝!是的我們東漓古村隸屬自然生態村,除了有深厚的人文歷史底藴,也更貼近自然煙火。讓孩子們在咱們東漓體驗感受來咱咱們傳統的文化及自然的饋贈。我們也在不斷地完善提升,願每一位到來的客人多元化,更好的體驗。期待與您在此相遇東漓,一起採菊東籬,悠見南山!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們東漓古村,並有好的體驗。能得到您的認可也讓我們倍感温暖,在此由衷的感謝!是的我們東漓古村隸屬自然生態村,除了有深厚的人文歷史底藴,也更貼近自然煙火。讓孩子們在咱們東漓體驗感受來咱咱們傳統的文化及自然的饋贈。我們也在不斷地完善提升,願每一位到來的客人多元化,更好的體驗。期待與您在此相遇東漓,一起採菊東籬,悠見南山!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,感謝您對我門提出的意見,我們民宿有幾種房型,下次您可以告訴我們您喜歡的房型我們儘量給您調配。同時我們也會對您提出的建議去完善改進。讓每一位到東漓古村的朋友有更多的活動可以體驗。相信在您下次來的時候又會有新的活動喲。期待與您再次相遇東漓,祝您與家人安康順利~!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,感謝您在這個難得的假期選擇我們東漓古村,我們古村一直都志立保護自然古村落的同事讓每一位來的家人們都有很多好玩的活動,在玩的同時對我們中華的傳統文化有更多的瞭解。我門也將持續不斷提升改善自己,讓每一位選擇東漓的朋友都能有完美的體驗。期待與您再次相遇,祝您與家人安康吉祥~!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,感謝您在這個暑期選擇了我們東漓。夏天是個玩水的季節,找回童年外婆家的感覺,也可以讓我們的小朋友學體驗到與自然,與四季農村生活。我們的價格包含門票,還有很多村裡的活動體驗諸多玩法都是免費的喲。我們也在努力創新,不斷提升,讓每一位來的家人們有更多更好的體驗。期待與你在相遇,並祝您與家人一切順利,康樂!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 我親愛的客人,感謝您在寶貴的假期中選擇了我們東漓古村。是的,您到的這幾天剛好遇到洪水退去。破壞了我們的一些鞦韆跟木橋。我們已在緊急的修復中。記得那天送您出去的時候還説等到8月的時候再來呢,相信再見時會給您帶來更多的驚喜哦。期待我們再次相遇東漓,同事也祝您與家人平安,順利666.
Exceptional Double Bed Room
Overnattede i jul. 2024
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 3. aug. 2024
Svar fra overnatningssted: 我親愛的客人,感謝您在寶貴的假期中選擇了我們東漓古村。是的,您到的這幾天剛好遇到洪水退去。破壞了我們的一些鞦韆跟木橋。我們已在緊急的修復中。記得那天送您出去的時候還説等到8月的時候再來呢,相信再見時會給您帶來更多的驚喜哦。期待我們再次相遇東漓,同事也祝您與家人平安,順利666.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,我親愛的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們東漓古村,並有好的體驗。能得到您的認可也讓我們倍感温暖,在此由衷的感謝!是的我們東漓古村隸屬自然生態村,除了有深厚的人文歷史底藴,也更貼近自然煙火。讓孩子們在咱們東漓體驗感受來咱咱們傳統的文化及自然的饋贈。我們也在不斷地完善提升,願每一位到來的客人多元化,更好的體驗。期待與您在此相遇東漓,一起採菊東籬,悠見南山!