2. april 2023
Well, it is the cheapest place you'll find. Here are the horror stories. The entrance is a dingy elevator which can only fit 4ish people and there are always ALWAYS dozens waiting downstairs. Compounding this it's a linear elevator with dozens of people waiting upstairs too so it's permanently clogged. If you arrive between 9am and 10pm expect 10+ min waits. The entire block smells like curry and sweat. The reception took 20min to get me checked in. The room is incredibly tiny, considering you're paying around 60AUD per night. The sheets and pillow cases are generally a greyish, dubious colour. The shower works nicely. The floor is a tad sticky, so barefoot walking I'm nervous about tinea. The wizened cherry on top is that checkout is 10am. What. Diseasing this final cherry of discomfort was that at 858am I get a pertinent aggressive little tapping on my door and it's some patron who is taking my room next that reception daftly and rudely let in from the teeming hordes reminding me of my checkout time. Hmm. It's been an experience for sure. I can empathise with the cramped, stressed HongKongese now. The glorious thing about this place is, however, that it was the set location for Chungking Express, the 1994 classic by Wong Kar-wai, from which all the iconic ground-level shops have been extirpated, but in which the spirit of the grungy, zesty HK working class grind remains, and for that I was grateful.