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Gæsteværelse - Gårdhavudsigt (Dobbelt seng)
Overnattede i jul. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 21. aug. 2024
superb services and amenities offered!
The hotel offered to and fro HuangGuoShu pick up service which is very convenient.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for recognizing us. The happiest thing in the world is to be trusted and recognized. Good reviews are not the end, they are the driving force behind Yun'er's dedication. Looking forward to your next return~~~
Ming Rui Darren
Gæsteværelse - Gårdhavudsigt (Dobbelt seng)
Overnattede i sep. 2024
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 31. okt. 2024
The hotel offers excellent service, a prime location, and comfortable rooms!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 享受生活,分享喜悦,感謝您對我們的喜愛,因為有您,我們是幸福的~~!感謝您送的5分好評!更感謝您這麼高度的讚美~~~美麗的時光,朵貝雲舍與您不期而遇,設計親子套房、庭院、親子空間、茶室、與淋浴間音樂的初心,我們希望來到黃果樹看到亞洲第一大瀑布的同時可以卸下旅途中的疲憊,靜靜的享受這慢下來的時光,感謝這份緣分~~~期盼與您的下次相見!
Gæsteværelse - Gårdhavudsigt (Dobbelt seng)
Overnattede i jun. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 21. jul. 2024
The room is unbelievable, perhaps the best I've stayed in. The technology in the room was really cool. The design is perfect, lots of natural light and a wonderful view. Definitely good value for money. Staff was friendly and helpful too.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Life is full of choices, and we’re grateful you chose us. Meeting you by chance and having the opportunity to serve you was truly special. Your kind words are like a refreshing spring, filling our staffs' hearts with joy. Thank you for appreciating our work. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
Chaojin Private Hot Spring Twin Room
Overnattede i maj 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 13. jun. 2024
Absolutely amazing. I’ve spent most of my adult life traveling the world. Staying at all types of hotels. Mostly 5 star international hotels as I aged. This hotel by far exceeded my expectations. The staff and service are amazing. The VIP driver (didn’t get his name) amazing. Food recommendations amazing. Free laundry service. You guessed it, amazing. The rooms cleanliness and the hotels aethstetics well above par. Located walking distance to the waterfalls entrance, it is conveniently located. Not to mention a music and fountain light show across the street in the park with a beautiful view every night was an unexpected delight. So glad we found this gem. I usually don’t write reviews but this is well deserved and definitely is a 5 star stay!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您這麼全面的評價,遇見您,總想給您最好的見面禮,雲舍於2022年11月開業,坐落於貴州省黃果樹風景名勝區黃果樹濕地公園正門一側,最大的特色就是我們的建築,酒店由一個單體的四層小樓組成,外觀上追求極致的簡約,大面積的空心磚在不同的時間呈現出豐富的光影效果,主要建築材料為一種新型的礦物材料微水泥,其特點是防火防塵無味。雲舍是管家式服務,所有客房均配置智能語音客控系統,雲舍具有自助餐廳、親子空間、書吧茶室、音樂餐吧等休閑娛樂設施。看到了您這麼用心的好評,讓雲兒覺得對所有客人的付出都是值得的,朵貝雲舍將不忘初心,秉承着服務好每一位顧客的理念一直走下去,不同的城市,不同的地方總會有讓人惦念的理由,每個季節都有我們難捨的景色,希望朵貝雲舍會是您回憶裏最温馨最獨特的那個。衷心祝願您及家人一切安好,生活温暖順心。
Shing run
Nanzhi Zhu Ying Twin Room
Overnattede i nov. 2023
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. dec. 2023
The staff’s service is impeccable. As it is low season, they upgraded our room to the courtyard rooms and its lovely. They collected our dirty laundry, washed and sent it to our room for free. You can also request for complimentary feet soak. I tried to find wine late at night and while they dont have it, the staff sent me a glass of complimentary beer. Lots of smart features in the room and the breakfast is great. Location is right by Huangguoshu waterfalls entrance. Guests can also consider hoping over to nearby Bo Lian Hotspring for hotspring in the evening if theres nothing to do.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 看到親親深厚的好評真的是好激動呢!而且還這麼認可我們的服務~我們的雲舍力求為每位客官提供最為貼心細緻的服務,是雲兒送您最真誠的禮物、為每位親帶來超值的體驗。雲舍是一個富有年輕活力的民舍,以簡約的風格、温馨體貼的服務向親展示雲舍的獨特魅力。雲舍交通方便非常靠近黃果樹方便您遊玩,通過您細緻入微的描述,可以感受得到您這次旅程給您帶來的幸福感爆棚。在這裏雲兒們會一如既往用親切的笑容歡迎您的再次到來、祝您以及您的家人健康幸福呦^ - ^
Nanzhi Zhu Ying Twin Room
Overnattede i maj 2023
20 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. jun. 2023
Amazing place, true gem! The rooms are very well decorated, with great amenities! The food choice for dinner and lunch is rich and the breakfast is better than in many branded 5 star hotels. The service is extremely attentive, the hotel provides great range of extra services like free tea, transfer to the scenic spot, butler assistance, late night snacks! We spend great time! I am very grateful to the team for their exceptional care during the whole stay. My praise to the team and management!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Today's mood is an open parabola. We warmly welcome you. Thank you for your support and recognition. With your encouragement, we will continue to do better.😊
Xuezhu LOFT Private Hot Spring Two-Bedroom Suite
Overnattede i jun. 2023
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 4. aug. 2023
The hotel is in a quiet place. The service was excellent. They answered a lot of questions from us. The room is clean, big and exactly as shown in the picture. The deco is a bit simple for us. However, overall it was comfortable. It is within 2 minutes walking to the park. We enjoyed the free light show and loved it a lot. The free breakfast was good and we enjoyed the meal. It is a great hotel for the family trip.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for your affirmation and praise of our hotel service. We are confident to provide you with better service. We have been committed to providing every guest with the best service and the most comfortable accommodation environment. Don't forget to tell us next time~ Thank you again for your patronage!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 能夠得到您的喜愛,我們倍感榮幸,感謝您在眾多酒店中選擇了朵貝雲舍,我們很高興您在雲舍有一段愉快的入住環境,感謝您對我們的支持與信任,我們將繼續努力,為每一位來客提供更加舒適温馨的入住體驗。雲舍的管家式服務免費洗衣、免費洗車、景區接送和宵夜等貼心服務,衹為讓在外旅行的您感受到家的温暖,期待您的再次光臨,感受雲舍更好的入住體驗,祝您生活愉快!o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Svar fra overnatningssted: 雲兒致力於帶給各位最好的入住體驗感,帶給您家一般温馨的感覺~~~很高興能獲得您對雲兒的支持和認可,我們的初心就是願您玩的開心,住的舒心,我們酒店還提供免費的洗衣,洗車,接送景區服務哦,衹要您有需要,雲兒的小飛腿馬上就能飛到您面前哦,您説的會聽到電梯的聲音問題咱們會積極向管理人員反饋噠,喜歡您常來,願您生活温暖可愛依舊,假期愉快 *^_^*希望未來的每一個日子,自然.而然,事事順心~~~~
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常榮幸在茫茫人海中您選擇了朵貝雲舍作為您停留的驛站,並在百忙之中抽出時間為酒店進行點評。您的滿意就是對我們最大的支持,能讓您有一個滿意的入住體驗是我們的榮幸,我們始終堅持用心服務每一位客人,讓您在雲舍的每一次入住都充滿温馨和舒適。每一次相逢都是一種緣分,願美好的生活與您環環相扣,期待未來與您再次相會,為您創造更多愉快的回憶*^_^*
Svar fra overnatningssted: 這世間的美好,總有些驚奇的際遇。例如在朵貝雲舍遇見您,很高興能獲得您對雲兒的支持和認可,我們的初心就是願您玩的開心,住的舒心,我們酒店還提供免費的洗衣,洗車服務哦,衹要您有需要,雲兒的小飛腿馬上就能飛到您面前哦,雲兒願您身邊有一個永遠偏袒您的人,在此祝您新年快樂,旅途愉快
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您選擇了朵貝雲舍,雲兒致力於帶給您最好的入住體驗感,帶給您家一般温馨的感覺~~~很高興能獲得您對雲兒的支持和認可,我們的初心就是願您玩的開心,住的舒心,我們會繼續不斷的做到更好,繼續提高我們的服務質量,讓您下次來的時侯更能感受的雲舍的熱情,祝您新年快樂 萬事勝意喲~😊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您對雲兒的支持以及認可,雲舍全體上下員工都以抱着服務至上的精神服務好每一位入住雲舍的家人,能得到您的肯定雲兒真是欣喜萬分呢!很高興能為您的出遊帶來美好的時光,我們會以更加專業的服務,真誠的對待每一位親親呦~這樣才能回報您如此的表揚與肯定呀! 雲兒的發展離不開您長期的支持與厚愛,真誠期待您的再次光臨!祝您及家人一切安好、天天開心!
Svar fra overnatningssted: ヾ(≧▽≦*)o您逆光而來,配得上這世間所有的美好,呼呼呼~偷偷告訴您,您的好評是草莓味的~嘻嘻~,朵貝雲舍採用了跟傳統酒店不同的設計風格,佔地面積4300平方米,卻衹有65間房,不同於傳統酒店的房間擁擠,讓每個房間都有獨立的庭院,退台式的設計讓每個庭院都能陽光照射,所以每個房間的採光都很好,部分庭院裡帶有私湯,白天可以享受陽光浴,晚上可以泡着私湯欣賞夜晚星空,希望您多來體驗,多來感受一下不同的房型,雲兒祝小主,披星戴月,好運連連,萬事順心,心想事成~~~~~