For at sikre autenticiteten af de viste bedømmelser, beregner vi ikke blot et gennemsnit. I stedet tager vi hensyn til anmeldelsens troværdighed og datoen for gæstens ophold for at fastlægge den endelige vurdering.
Very nice hotel, clean and very big room. The room was all voice controlled by the Chinese google, xiaodu. Smart toilet and blinds and lights. The room had a nice view as well. The owners are very nice and helpful with great travel advice for the forest and also told us how to get to the canyon and Glass bridge by bus which was a great help as not many didi there. The hotel location is near the south gate but down some small roads and a bit of a walk to the gate but the owner will pick you up and drop you off to the gate. The owner speaks chinese only for any foreigners who want to make a booking. Breakfast is cooked by the owners as well and was nice chinese food. Chickens will wake you up in the morning, if that's an issue get some ear plugs but it's a very comfortable sleep with the crickets at nights. Overall would stay again if visiting Zhangjiajie.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 先謝謝家人真實的點評,民宿建在大山裡麪的,距離森林公園南大門1.5公里,民宿有免費專車,隨時隨地接送,民宿建在小山腰,窗外有美麗的風景,早晨起來空氣新鮮,讓人精神氣爽,民宿會服務好每一位入住我們家的客人,給客人講解,景區路線是我們民宿服務的宗旨,我們在景區住服務行業已有20多年,我老婆的工作主做炒菜,加上我們用的是大品油,用在一起讓菜的味道更香美好,再次感謝家人,祝好人一生平安!
I arrived in the evening and first thing I noticed was a really wonderful view from the window. The room was really spacious unlike many hotels that I stayed in ,while traveling in Europe. The breakfast was traditional and very delicious, but I always ordered extra omelet with onion, because the host made it really well. The owner and his wife were always very helpful with giving directions and always gave me a ride to the South Gate of the National Park, where you can actually get a bus to the East gate and other destinations as well. So, in conclusion, I really liked the atmosphere of a family business ,where everybody even their son and a grandson were always listening to their customers and were extremely helpful , the service was fantastic, perfect location , since it's very close to the South Gate of the Park and the price for my stay was reasonable. Thank you so much for the peace and quiet I needed so much, before getting back to my routine at work.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 先謝謝家人真實的點評,民宿建在大山裡麪的,距離森林公園南大門1.5公里,民宿有免費專車,隨時隨地接送,民宿建在小山腰,窗外有美麗的風景,早晨起來空氣新鮮,讓人精神氣爽,民宿會服務好每一位入住我們家的客人,給客人講解,景區路線是我們民宿服務的宗旨,我們在景區住服務行業已有20多年,我老婆的工作主做炒菜,加上我們用的是大品油,用在一起讓菜的味道更香美好,再次感謝家人,祝好人一生平安!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 首先,謝謝家人的真實點評,民宿建在大山裡麪的半山坡上,位置比較高,房間都是全智能房間,窗户全都是落地窗,從房間看出去的景色非常美麗,住在大山裡麪空氣新鮮,自然環境非常好,民宿服務的理念,就是讓客人高興而來滿意而歸,再次感謝家人,祝你們旅途快樂,一路平安,龍年發大財!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 【停車方便】【拍照出片】【有設計感】【設施很好】【免費早餐】感謝您的光臨,同時也真誠感謝您對我們的喜愛和認可,您記住了在這裏的美好時光讓我們心裏很感動,讓賓客享有美好入住體驗是我們義不容辭的責任,能得到您的讚許我們深感榮幸,同時我們也更有動力繼續前行,希望能有更多為您服務的機會
Svar fra overnatningssted: 首先,謝謝家人的真實點評,我們民宿靠在森林公園南大門附近,距離森林公園南大門1.5公里,民宿建在半山腰,有免費專車,隨時隨地接送,我們民宿服務的宗旨就是為客人排憂解難,為客人講解景區路線,民宿的窗外有美麗的山峯,空氣新鮮,這就是大山裡麪的感覺,但是距離公園大門很近,我們會根據天氣時間來給客人規劃,既不誤風景也不耽誤時間,再次感謝家人!祝你們旅途快樂,一路平安!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 首先,謝謝家人的真實點評,我們民宿靠在森林公園南大門附近,距離森林公園南大門1.5公里,民宿建在半山腰,有免費專車,隨時隨地接送,我們民宿服務的宗旨就是為客人排憂解難,為客人講解景區路線,民宿的窗外有美麗的山峯,空氣新鮮,這就是大山裡麪的感覺,但是距離公園大門很近,我們會根據天氣時間來給客人規劃,既不誤風景也不耽誤時間,再次感謝家人!祝你們旅途快樂,一路平安!