I never expected to encounter heavy fog after arriving at the scenic spot this time. The road up the mountain was very difficult to drive on. After arriving at the inn, the owner's family was very warm - hearted, but it was really cold. The New Year's Eve dinner was cooked by the female owner herself. It was extremely sumptuous and delicious. When we couldn't finish it all, she helped us reheat the leftovers the next day. Since we couldn't see the terraced fields in the distance, the female owner's child led us on a walk to a nearby ancient village, and it was a great experience. The emotional support provided by the female owner's family far exceeded the beauty of the natural scenery. Give a thumbs - up to this hard - working family. 没想到这次到景点后遇到大雾,上山路很难开,到达客栈后,老板一家很热情,但真的比较冷。大年夜饭是女老板自己做的,非常丰盛,味道很好,没吃完第二天又帮我们加热。看不到远处梯田,女老板的孩子带我们步行到附近的古村落,感受也很好。女老板一家人给与的情绪支持超出自然风景,为努力的一家人点赞。翻译