For at sikre autenticiteten af de viste bedømmelser, beregner vi ikke blot et gennemsnit. I stedet tager vi hensyn til anmeldelsens troværdighed og datoen for gæstens ophold for at fastlægge den endelige vurdering.
We stayed for 6 nights and everything was top.
Will recommend to our friends and we will come back.
Thanks for everything.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的朋友您好!感謝您選擇入住榕憶,我們最大的願望是讓每一位來到榕憶的朋友都能感受到我們的熱情,並有一個輕鬆安全的旅程。我們還有很多自己的私人線路,可以夜遊灕江參加魚鷹夜捕、探野生巖洞、登相公山看灕江第一灣,清涼溯溪,上山槳板,山地越野車~活動豐富,期待您帶寶貝再次回來體驗我們更多活動和項目。謝謝~
We are very happy to stay here, all the atmosphere, service mind, comfortable of the room and bed, friendly and hospitality.
Recommended for all type of travelers, family, friends or couples.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎~親愛的朋友啊,我們非常非常珍惜這遠道而來的緣分,所以很用心地對待每一個人,希望能夠帶給大家“回家”一樣輕鬆舒適的氛圍和温暖的感覺。正是適合狗蛋農場露營和户外用餐的好季節~感謝如此美好的您與我們共度了一段美好的時光呀~我會和小夥伴一直一直在這裏等您喲,祝安~
Daan Claes
March Ancient Town Special Offer Time Double Bed Room (Ancient Town Scenery + Smart Toilet)
Overnattede i sep. 2024
8 anmeldelse
Slået op den 18. okt. 2024
I had an incredible stay at Ron Inn in Yangshuo, and I can't recommend it enough! Upon arrival, all the local restaurants were closed, but the wonderful lady at the hotel went above and beyond by preparing me a delicious hot meal. Her generosity made me feel so welcome. To top it off, I was upgraded to a room with an amazing view – soaking in the bathtub while gazing at the stunning mountain peaks was an unforgettable experience. I only stayed for one night, but I wish I could have extended my stay. This place is a gem, and I highly recommend it!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎~親愛的朋友啊,我們非常非常珍惜這遠道而來的緣分,所以很用心地對待每一個人,希望能夠帶給大家“回家”一樣輕鬆舒適的氛圍和温暖的感覺。正是適合狗蛋農場露營和户外用餐的好季節~感謝如此美好的您與我們共度了一段美好的時光呀~我會和小夥伴一直一直在這裏等您喲,祝安~
July Ancient Town Time Double Bed Room (Ancient Town Mountain View + Smart Toilet)
Overnattede i mar. 2024
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 3. apr. 2024
Very nicely decorated. Perfect location. Chinese breakfast. The staff do not speak any English. But with wechat she heloed us a lot.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Very sorry not to give you a satisfactory experience, our hotel is located in the middle of Xingping town, in front of the river, back of the town, our first floor lobby after renovation, suitable for taking photos, drinking coffee, reading, Daze. Breakfast is guilin rice noodles, is the local characteristics, if you do not like to eat Chinese food, you can arrange bread, coffee. Our housekeeper can only speak simple English. I'm very sorry that the English communication on the travel itinerary didn't help you. Xingping fishing village doesn't have any way to travel, except for walking back and forth for about 5-6 hours, please consider good physical strength to travel to the fishing village !
March Ancient Town Special Offer Time Double Bed Room (Ancient Town Scenery + Smart Toilet)
Overnattede i nov. 2023
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 8. jan. 2024
Our experience at Ron Inn was truly enjoyable. Despite the freezing weather in Yangshuo, our room provided a warm and cozy retreat. The hospitality of the staff was outstanding – they allowed us to check in early and even upgraded us to a larger room where we could watch the sunrise while lying in bed in the morning. The bathroom was clean and came with a Toto washlet bidet seat, adding to the overall comfort and homely feel. This was the highlight of our accommodations during our Asia trip this year. I highly recommend Ron Inn to anyone planning a visit to Yangshuo.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for your comments and compliments. The selection of the room was personally selected by the boss, Lao Mo. he is a travel enthusiast who often stays in other hostels and hotels, let each guest can feel the same warmth and comfort at home is our service tenet, will continue to refueling. We can watch the sunrise from the observation deck on the fifth floor. There are also self-service washing machines and dryers. When winter comes, we will have the egg farm native chicken meal and cook tea on the stove. We will drink a bowl of warm chicken soup and chat around the stove while daydreaming, especially comfortable, it is also suitable for hiking along the Li River River, exploring caves and experiencing the fishing methods of primitive fishermen (cormorant night fishing) . Thank you for your recommendation!
September Riverside Banyan Double Bed Room (180° Verdant Mountain View + Tub + Smart Toilet + Spacious Tatami Lounge Area)
Overnattede i dec. 2022
16 anmeldelse
Slået op den 30. jan. 2023
Exceptional hotel in the heart of the old city. The view was incredible, the restaurant food is great, location is perfect, and staff are very kind! Our only issue during the stay is that there were fireworks right outside our door until past midnight every night, but that’s probably only because of Chinese new year. We will come again!!
Special thanks to the staff for leading us on a very hidden hike to see the sunset with no people around!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for your sharing and praise, our biggest hope is to make every friend who came to Yung Yi feel our warmth, can make the trip easy and secure. Our House is backed by an xingping old street, facing Li River. It's bustling in the left hand, poetic in the right, and Dixit in the geographical location. Design and decoration art fresh, simple warm. Breakfast is our family sister Yi do nutritious breakfast, is the local guilin rice noodles, especially by the guests like, looking forward to your return again.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的榕憶朋友您好呀~感謝您百忙中為小店寫好評。您的喜歡就是對咱們小店的肯定。一樓大廳隨處都是拍照點,嘎嘎出片呀~距離各個景點也方便,一樓貫穿,後面是老街前面是江邊,到哪步行都方便噠~三月季節桂林氣温相對偏冷,房間中央空調暖氣充足可以不用擔心呢。春季是最適合徒步的季節呢,也隨時期待您再再次回榕憶家做客呀~
October Riverside Happy Reunion Tatami Family Room (20 RMB Mountain View + Tub + Smart Toilet + Tatami Tea Table)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝黃女士對咱們的肯定和好評~能讓您再次光臨小店,小二感恩遇見。咱們家前臨河後靠老街,一樓貫穿出行超級方便,在小鎮遊玩基本不用車車呢。狗蛋農場木屋咖啡,拍照打卡,下午茶一去可呆一天,舒適愜意,大朋友小朋友各自有自己舒適區,放娃好去處。還可約燒烤,土雞鍋呢~榕憶還有很多自己的私人線路,可以夜遊灕江參加魚鷹夜捕、探野生巖洞、登相公山看灕江第一灣,清涼溯溪,上山槳板,山地越野車~活動豐富,歡迎您下次再回榕憶體驗更多,,每個季節都可以玩不同的活動,嘻嘻~
July Ancient Town Time Double Bed Room (Ancient Town Mountain View + Smart Toilet)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 謝謝親愛的榕憶朋友給咱們的五分好評呢~冬天冷冷的天氣裏怎麼能少了圍爐煮茶呢,嘻嘻。咱們家前臨河後靠老街,一樓貫穿出行超級方便,在小鎮遊玩基本不用車車呢。歡迎您下次再回榕憶體驗更多,榕憶有自己的私人線路,可以夜遊灕江參加魚鷹夜捕、探野生巖洞、登相公山看灕江第一灣,清涼溯溪,上山槳板,山地越野車,咱們還有狗蛋農場木屋咖啡,拍照打卡,下午茶,燒烤,土雞鍋都可約哦~活動豐富,每個季節都可以玩不同的活動,有機會歡迎再回榕憶體驗哦~
January Riverside Banyan Double Bed Room (180° Verdant Mountain View + Smart Toilet + Spacious Tatami Lounge Area)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 謝謝親愛的小姐姐用心點評的滿分好評~!咱們最大的希望就是能讓每個來到榕憶的朋友感受到我們的這一份温暖,可以讓旅行變得輕鬆和安心。我們家適合親子遊玩的有原生態探洞,溯溪玩水,魚鷹夜捕,槳板,越野山地車等,不同的季節有不同的玩法哦,我們的餐是點菜後再去市場採購食材,這樣食材比較新鮮,需要提前預約哦,想嘗我們家的菜記得提前約~春日悄悄到來,有時間可以再回榕憶踏春哦~
July Ancient Town Time Double Bed Room (Ancient Town Mountain View + Smart Toilet)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的朋友您好啊,謝謝您對咱們家的喜愛餘推薦,麼麼噠~咱們家一樓處處都是出片點,隨手拍都很美呢。一樓貫穿出行超級方便,在小鎮遊玩基本不用車車。春天來臨,小鎮也慢慢變暖了,徒步江邊很是愜意。帶小朋友也可以體驗咱們特別線路:探野生巖洞、體驗魚鷹夜捕等等,也期待您隨時再回榕憶哦~
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您的讚美和肯定呢。咱們家前臨河後靠老街,一樓貫穿出行超級方便,在小鎮遊玩基本不用車車呢。歡迎您下次再回榕憶體驗更多,榕憶有自己的私人線路,可以夜遊灕江、參加魚鷹夜捕、探野生巖洞、登相公山看灕江第一灣,刺激的山地越野車,還有夏天大小朋友最愛的溯溪玩水,清涼一夏等等哦~每個季節都有不同的私人定製路線,帶您不走尋常路。咱們後會有期~
January Riverside Banyan Double Bed Room (180° Verdant Mountain View + Smart Toilet + Spacious Tatami Lounge Area)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的榕憶朋友您好呀~感謝您百忙中為小店寫好評,咱家主打就是為各位朋友省心省心,衹要有需要,小二都能滿足哦。您的喜歡就是對咱們小店的肯定。一樓大廳隨處都是拍照點,嘎嘎出片呀~距離各個景點也方便,一樓貫穿,後面是老街前面是江邊,到哪步行都方便噠~春季是最適合徒步的季節呢,也隨時期待您再再次回榕憶家做客呀~
Luis Pino V
May Riverside Banyan Double Bed Room (180° Verdant Mountain View + Tub + Smart Toilet + Spacious Tatami Lounge Area)
Overnattede i sep. 2024
9 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. okt. 2024
El sitio es maravilloso. Es como si el tiempo se parase. Las vistas increíbles y habitaciones limpias y comodísimas. Nos hubiésemos quedado meses! Los desayunos muy ricos, tanto el chino como el occidental
Svar fra overnatningssted: 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎~親愛的朋友啊,我們非常非常珍惜這遠道而來的緣分,所以很用心地對待每一個人,希望能夠帶給大家“回家”一樣輕鬆舒適的氛圍和温暖的感覺。正是適合狗蛋農場露營和户外用餐的好季節~感謝如此美好的您與我們共度了一段美好的時光呀~我會和小夥伴一直一直在這裏等您喲,祝安~