10-1 Yashiromachi, Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, 832-0057, JapanVis hoteloplysninger
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Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Overnattede i aug. 2024
10 anmeldelse
Slået op den 5. okt. 2024
Love the place. The dinner was great. I love it. I will go back again.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel and for your positive review.We are very pleased to hear that you were satisfied with your dinner and stay.We will continue to work hard to create a hotel that will please our customers, so please use our hotel next time you visit Yanagawa. All of our staff look forward to seeing you again.Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
2 personers værelse (med eget badeværelse) (røgfri)
Overnattede i jun. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 17. jul. 2024
Great venue for a quiet holiday and enjoying hot spring bath. Guests can enjoy indoor and outdoor bath without paying extra. We enjoyed very much the private bath which can be reserved with an extra ¥2000. Room is large with a Japanese style sitting lounge. The toilet/bathroom is quite old but most important it's clean. The public laundry has two washing machines available for guest's use, but the room is not cleaned properly and the washing machines are quite old. That's the main set back after all. Overall it's a nice place with walking distance to boat ride and eel restaurants and tourist attractions.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel. We are pleased that you enjoyed our hot springs, which are the pride of our hotel. Our hotel is within walking distance of tourist attractions, making it an ideal hotel for both sightseeing and relaxing. However, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused regarding cleaning within the building. We have instructed our cleaning staff to check the areas that are cleaned daily and to clean thoroughly.We will continue to thoroughly clean and manage the facility so that our guests can have a comfortable stay, so please do use our hotel again. All our staff look forward to seeing you again.Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Overnattede i aug. 2024
10 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. okt. 2024
The rooms feel a little old and also, do take note when booking that the rooms doesn’t come with private bathrooms, unless you choose the ones that write “with bathrooms” and not “with toilet”.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel.Our hotel underwent renovations to the exterior and interior of the building in 2020, but the building has a long history and its age is undeniable. Our hotel also offers rooms with attached baths, so please check when making a reservation. We will continue to strive to further improve our service so that you can enjoy a comfortable stay, so please visit us again if you have the opportunity. All our staff look forward to welcoming you again.Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
Great room with full facilities. Beautiful canal sidewalk.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel.We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. There is a boarding area right behind the hotel facing the moat, and you can watch the boats go down the river from your room, allowing you to feel the slow flow of time.We will continue to strive to further improve our services so that our customers can have a special time with us, so please come visit us again if you have the opportunity. All of our staff are looking forward to seeing you.
Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Overnattede i maj 2024
8 anmeldelse
Slået op den 30. jul. 2024
the location is good. the hotel is spacious. highly recommended
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel and for your positive review. We are very pleased that you were satisfied with your stay.Our hotel is located within walking distance of tourist attractions, making it the perfect hotel for sightseeing as well as for relaxing.We will continue to strive to further improve our service so that you can enjoy a comfortable stay, so please do use our hotel again if you have the opportunity. All our staff look forward to welcoming you back.Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
Japansk A(Med Toilet)(Ikke-ryger)
Overnattede i jun. 2023
29 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 2. jul. 2023
it was an old school hotel with traditional Japanese rooms. facilities are a bit outdated, but ok. close to town and clean.
Tvillingeværelse (med toilet) (Ikke-ryger)
Overnattede i jun. 2023
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 3. jul. 2023
View is very good
Service is ok
Dinner and Breakfast is good especially free noodle at night time
Room is a bit old and spider web has been found on room window
Halvandenmandsseng Værelse(Med Eget Badeværelse)(Ikke Ryger)
Overnattede i mar. 2023
Rejs med venner
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 1. maj 2023
Location is nice only if you have car. Reasonable price and nice staffs.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using our hotel. We would also like to thank you for your compliments and high evaluation of our staff. We will continue to strive to improve our services to please our customers, so please come visit us again if you have the opportunity. All of our staff are looking forward to seeing you.Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa Manager
Svar fra overnatningssted: このたびは、亀の井ホテル柳川にご宿泊くださいまして誠にありがとうございました。当ホテルには無料駐車場約100台分ございますので、お車でお越しのお客様でも安心してご利用いただけます。また、最寄りの西鉄柳川駅から当ホテル玄関前まで路線バスが運行しておりますので、大変便利です。柳川ひな飾り“さげもん”は、毎年1月上旬~4月3日まで多くのお客さまでにご観覧いただいており、お客さまからいただくお喜びの声は、スタッフの頑張りが報われる瞬間でございます。お客さまにおかれましては、内湯と露天をお楽しみいただける貸切風呂をお楽しみいただけましたようで、安堵いたしました。ご宿泊のお客さまにつきましては、50分間2,000円でご利用いただくことができ、大変人気です。しかしながら、ご利用時にはお待たせしてしまったようで申し訳ございませんでした。スタッフ不足は深刻な問題ではございますが、お客さまにご満足いただけるおもてなしができますよう、人員配置を見直すとともに、改めて目配り・気配りを徹底してまいります。機会がございましたら、ぜひ当ホテルをご指名くださいませ。スタッフ一同心よりお待ち申し上げております。亀の井ホテル柳川 フロント
Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您入住我們酒店。我們也非常榮幸能得到您的高度評價。我們的飯店沿著護城河而建,是放鬆身心、欣賞風景以及享受水鄉(例如乘船或觀光)的完美飯店。此外,船夫雄渾優美的歌聲在水面上迴盪,動人心弦,讓每個聽到的人都著迷,每天都受到許多日本國內外顧客的喜愛。我們將持續為顧客的住宿增添色彩,幫助他們創造特別的回憶,歡迎您再次光臨我們的飯店。我們全體員工期待您的光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
2 personers værelse (med eget badeværelse) (røgfri)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 好多謝你用我哋嘅酒店。我哋好開心見到你對你嘅住宿感到滿意。我哋酒店引以為傲嘅溫泉包括1樓嘅露天露天浴場,有桑拿同冷水浴,5樓係玻璃封閉嘅公共浴場,景色好靚。雖然我哋酒店只有一張乒乓球枱,但係好受歡迎,每日都有好多客人享用。我哋會繼續努力創造一間可以令我哋嘅客人滿意嘅酒店,所以如果你有機會,請再次使用我哋嘅酒店。我哋所有嘅員工都好期待見到你。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 好多謝你用我哋嘅酒店。我哋亦都想多謝你嘅高度評價。我哋好開心睇到你嘅帖子,因為你似乎徹底享受咗你喺我哋酒店嘅住宿。我哋會繼續努力進一步改善我哋嘅服務,令我哋可以令我哋嘅客人嘅美好回憶更加亮麗,並提供超出佢哋預期嘅好客,所以請大家再次使用我哋嘅酒店。我哋所有嘅員工都好期待見到你。
Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Svar fra overnatningssted: 好多謝你用我哋嘅酒店同埋你對我哋嘅高度評價。我哋好高興聽到你對你嘅住宿感到滿意。早餐嘅鰻魚飯糰,可以係炭爐燒,或者加入高湯,整成 ochzuke , 都好味噉享用,令佢成為我哋客人嘅熱門菜式。另外,柳川溫泉嘅來源係碳酸氫同氯化物泉,佢以美容嘅品質而聞名,而且對去除你皮膚上多餘嘅死皮細胞非常有效,從核心溫暖你嘅心靈同身體。我哋會繼續努力進一步改善我哋嘅服務,等我哋嘅客人可以同我哋一齊度過一個特別嘅時光,所以下次使用我哋嘅酒店嗰陣,請享受喺柳川觀光嘅樂趣。我哋所有嘅員工都好期待見到你。Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa
Japansk-Stil Tvillingeværelse med Toilet-Ikke-ryger
Svar fra overnatningssted: 好多謝你用我哋嘅酒店。我哋嘅酒店面向護城河,可以睇到城市嘅全景,當你睇住啲船嘅時候,你可以感受到時間嘅緩慢流動。船碼頭亦都喺酒店後面,非常方便。我哋亦都有附設浴室嘅房間,所以喺預訂嗰陣請考慮清楚呢一點。我哋會繼續努力,成為好多客人所選擇嘅酒店,所以如果有機會請再嚟探我哋。我哋所有嘅員工都好期待見到你。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您入住我們酒店。我們很高興聽到您對溫泉和餐點感到滿意。從面對護城河的飯店,您可以一邊眺望順流而下的船隻和柳川的街景,一邊享受幸福的時光。我們將繼續對物業進行徹底的清潔和管理,努力進一步提高我們的服務,讓我們的客人擁有愉快的入住體驗。我們全體員工期待您的光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Yanagawa