14. august 2023
渋温泉の温泉寺を越えた橋の向かいに位置する温泉旅館で、事前の口コミにもある料理とお風呂を楽しみに訪問しました。建物自体は年季が入っていますがよく手入れされており、田舎の親戚か祖父母の家に伺うような懐かしさがあります。 出迎えてくれた女将さん(草笛光子さんに似てる!!)は非常に気さくで、周辺の温泉街や湯田中駅のおすすめ店を教えてくれ、部屋にチェックイン。部屋は内湯/トイレ付で二間で非常に広くて開放感ありです。 お風呂はかなり熱め温度のお風呂で長くは入れないですが、入ると一気に疲れを取ってくれます。貸切露天風呂はチェックイン時に時間指定しますが、こちらは若若干の温め温度でゆったりと楽しめます。 そして、待望の夕飯!!宴会場貸切で用意されていまして、先にセッティングされていた前菜/お刺身/サラダなどに続いて、信玄巻/グラタン/牛しゃぶなどがサーブされ、一緒に注文していたワインともよく合いました。強いて言うならばワインは辛口の方が良かったかな…。とはいえ料理は前評判通りで手が込んだ地の物を使った最高に美味しい料理で最高に楽しめました。シメの蕎麦もご主人の手打ちとのことで、これまた久々の大ヒット!!歯ごたえも香りも高くて素晴らしかったです!! そして翌日の朝ごはんは焼鮭を中心に温玉/ポテサラ/豆腐など、これまた手が込んでおりご飯の炊き具合も好みの固さでよかったです。 前評判通り料理もお風呂も非常に良い宿で、渋温泉に来る際にはまた泊まろうと思います!! Amagawa-so,located across bridge from the Onsen-ji in Shibu-Onsen, to enjoy the food and baths mentioned in prior reviews. Building is well-maintained despite its age, and the nostalgia of visiting a relative or grandparent's house in the countryside is palpable. Okami-san who greeted us (looks like Mitsuko Kusabue!) was very friendly. She gave us some recommendations for places in the surrounding Onsen-area, and then we checked into room. The room was very spacious and open with an indoor bath and toilet. The bath is quite hot and you can't stay in it for a long time, but it will take away my fatigue at once. The private Roten-Buro can be reserved at the time of check-in, but this one is slightly warmer and can be enjoyed in a relaxed manner. And the long-awaited dinner! Following the appetizers/sashimi/salad, etc. that had been prepared earlier, Shingen-maki, Gratin, Gyu-shabu, etc. were served, and they went well with the wine we had ordered together. If I may say so, I would have preferred a drier wine.... However, the food was as good as the reputation of the restaurant, and we enjoyed the most delicious dishes using elaborate local products. The soba noodles at the end of the meal were also handmade by the owner, and they were a big hit after a long time! It was both chewy and fragrant! The next day's breakfast consisted of grilled salmon, hot eggs, potato salad, tofu, etc. The rice was cooked just the way I like it, and the consistency was just right. The food and bath were as good as the previous reviews, and we will stay there again when we come to Shibu Onsen!