8. juni 2024
Cheap, but not worth it. The hotel is on a floor of a residential apartment building with no clear way to access it. I had to ask two old guys sitting nearby where it was; they called the owner and he came down. Definitely don't recommend to other foreigners unless you're pretty confident in your Chinese, because it's a trial to get access to the place. Couldn't go out at night because there was no way to get back in the apartment complex after dark
Although it said the room had a private bathroom, actually it's a shared bathroom, and a pretty grungy one. The room was a little dingy but fine. I'd give it a 2/5 - it's a hotel, you can sleep there, it functions, but it's pretty bleak and inconvenient. It's not that close to the station and there are lots of decent looking hostels in town for not much more than this, so I don't really see a good reason to stay here