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Deluxe Panorama Værelse (Dobbelt seng) (Badekar)
Overnattede i okt. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 29. nov. 2024
I have traveled all over the world and Shiyanli B&B is one of the best places I've ever stayed at. We were lucky enough to get an upgrade to a higher floor upon arrival. The view from the window was the majestic Dawang Peak. All the furnishings were modern and high quality. Fruit and Da Hong Pao tea was provided in the room as well.
The other side of the experience was the tea room. The owner's family runs a local tea shop and said their tea comes from within the Wuyishan protected region. The region is known for Wuyi Rock Tea. There were a few options to try and the tea was extremely good. We purchase several boxes to take home to share with friends and family.
It is a little bit difficult to get by without some mandarin Chinese knowledge, like everywhere else in China, but I wouldn't let this deter you from staying here. The staff here were the most helpful and kind.
Svar fra overnatningssted: We are truly delighted that you had an excellent stay with us and thoroughly enjoyed our tea room and the remarkable Wuyi Rock Tea. It is our great pleasure to introduce the unique charm of the tea sourced from the Wuyishan protected region to guests like you.We are extremely grateful for your kind words and for choosing our B&B. We look forward with anticipation to your next visit, and we will continue to strive to offer an even more exceptional experience.Best regards
Deluxe Værelse - Dobbelt Belægning, med Udsigt
Overnattede i jul. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 21. aug. 2024
You get a beautiful view of the Wuyi moumtain right on your bed!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您選擇我們民宿(拾巖裏),小家一直秉承着對每一位房客住宿體驗的高度關注。我們不僅在營造唯美的環境山上下足功夫,更在衞生清潔方面精益求精,每一間房間用品都經過精挑細選。我們始終堅持用心服務每一位顧客,讓您在小家的每一次入住都充滿温馨和舒適。期待再次為您提供美好的住宿體驗~
Deluxe-værelse til 3 personer
Overnattede i mar. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. apr. 2024
My parents and I stayed over for 3 nites and we were cared for well as the owner and her team paid attention to details and assisted us in making it a comfortable stay. My parents appreciated the fruits that was given daily and the soft towels. I must say the pillows are too flat for our liking but everything else including the view is unbeatable. We will definitely come back and stay here again if we come to Wuyishan and highly recommend it to others too. Thank you!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 哇,太感謝您的強力推薦啦!能得到您這麼高的評價,我們真的特別開心!很榮幸民宿的温馨氛圍、頂樓露台的絕美日落,還有周邊便利的環境都能讓您滿意。能吸引李亞鵬和東方甄選頓頓來住,也是我們的榮幸。附近步行1-3分鐘就是武夷山老街,美食餐廳,特色小吃數不勝數。我們在【拾巖裏】期待與您再次相遇
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人,感謝您的評價!能得到您的認可,我們打心底裏覺得開心和滿足。從選址開始,我們就希望能為大家帶來一個位置便利、環境宜人的休憩之所,在服務上也力求做到盡善盡美,讓每一位客人都能感受到家一般的舒適與温暖。往後我們會繼續努力,不斷優化和提升,不辜負您的信任和支持。期待您再次光臨,在這美景與茶香中,續寫屬於我們的美好篇章。附近步行1-3分鐘就是武夷山老街,美食餐廳,特色小吃數不勝數。我們在【拾巖裏】期待與您再次相遇。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 太感謝您的走心好評啦!能在春節假期為您帶來如此愉快的入住體驗,我們倍感榮幸!您喜歡民宿的裝修風格、周邊環境和智能設施,對我們的服務也滿意,這就是對我們最大的認可。夏天民宿前的溪流會更熱鬧,別有一番趣味。期待您再次光臨,在這美景與茶香中,續寫屬於我們的美好篇章。附近步行1-3分鐘就是武夷山老街,美食餐廳,特色小吃數不勝數。我們在【拾巖裏】期待與您再次相遇。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人,真的特別感謝您對我們民宿的認可和喜愛!能為您首次武夷山之旅加分,讓您和家人都如此滿意,就是對我們最大的肯定!窗外的美景、樓頂的愜意、温馨的房間內飾,還有每層設有的茶室,這些都是我們用心打造的,就是希望能給每一位客人帶來家一般的舒適與温暖。您能在這幾天裏體驗到不同天氣下的別樣風情,感受陽光、細雨、雲霧的交織,這也是旅行中難得的美好際遇。熱情細心地招待每一位客人是我們應該做的,能讓您住得舒心,玩得開心,就是我們最開心的事。真心期待您和家人能再次光臨,不管什麼時候來,我們都會以最飽滿的熱情歡迎你們,給您帶來更多美好的旅行體驗!祝您生活愉快,事事如意!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的朋友,讀着您這篇細緻入微、滿含深情的評論,我們心裏滿是感動與驚喜!很開心拾巖裏能給您留下如此深刻且美好的印象。從您的文字裏,我們能真切感受到您對拾巖裏建築風格的喜愛,深咖色大氣簡勁的線條與日式細節的融合,那種獨特的美感被您精準地捕捉到了。大王峯與溪水的美景、暖暖的茶香,這一切共同構成了您初來乍到的美好夜晚。附近步行1-3分鐘就是武夷山老街,美食餐廳,特色小吃數不勝數。我們在【拾巖裏】期待與您再次相遇。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的朋友,超開心您能滿意這次的民宿之旅!很高興能為您和家人帶來愜意的時光,雲霧繚繞的峯王山,足不出户就能盡收眼底。能讓您沉浸式體驗到武夷山的文化氛圍,品嚐到美味的大紅袍,我們也倍感榮幸。咱們民宿可是備受明星和知名主播青睞,李亞鵬、東方甄選頓頓都曾入住過。他們對這裏的風景和服務也是讚不絕口。期待您下次再來,我們依舊備好香茗,靜候您的光臨!