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ng Hock Guan
2-sengs værelse med søudsigt
Overnattede i jul. 2024
12 anmeldelse
Slået op den 5. aug. 2024
The hotel staff are helpful and friendly but I like best the wanton during breakfast
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您的入住與讚賞!很高興您在入住期間滿意。通過您的點評可以感受到這次旅程給您帶來的幸福感,這是我們服務者一直的追求,這也將成為我們繼續努力、不斷進取得動力,期待您再次光臨陽邏美居酒店!
Superior Room (Double Bed)
Overnattede i maj 2024
55 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. jun. 2024
The hotel is well located both to the old and new estate which is less then 15 mins drive providing foods and entertainment.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇武漢陽邏美居酒店,從您的點評中看得出來您一定非常喜歡小美之家,小夥伴給您比個小心心,我們美居的小夥伴都能把每一位來到的賓客當作家人,朋友一樣的對待,貼心的服務就像家人之間的交流,希望下次能能得到您的全五星小心心哦,等您回來~
Suite - Lake-View (Mahjong)
Overnattede i dec. 2022
11 anmeldelse
Slået op den 1. feb. 2023
Just terrible! As soon as I checked in, the front desk operator asked me to cancel my ctrip reservation and book the room using another app, just to have free breakfast which I discovered was only a bowl of noodles because the cooks were on vacation. Of course I didn't do it because in case of problem ctrip was my only guarantee in a place like that...few days later I had the demonstration that I was correct and my choice paid back. In addition I had to copy my passport by myself because the operator was not able to use the printer.
This was just the beginning... The room was dirty, the cleaner just moved the dust from one side to another of the room, cleaning only few areas and keep complaining she was the only one working, she was tired and not well paid. I found a bag of food behind a curtain probably of a previous guest, not sure how long has been there, I didn't want to look inside. Persistent smell of smoke. Towels smelled bad, like they have been wet for long time and never been washed with soap. After using the towel for the first time, I had to shower again to remove the bad smell from my body. My wife immediately found a bug, we see the service coming inside the room without knocking the door. The first days we didn't care so much until when the last day, with our big surprise, a relative came to visit us and he walked directly inside the room without using any card. In that situation we discovered that the lock was broken and anyone can come inside the room without using any card. This clearly shocked and scared me and my family, then after few hours, thanks to ctrip and the manager of the hotel, the problem was fixed.
I think this hotel was a bad journey inside a nice journey. For sure it's not a 4 stars hotel, probably just a 2 or 3 stars and for sure it's too expensive for the quality of the room and the service provided.
If I will come back again? Maybe after many years if I will be able to forget all of this...
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客官,您好!我們隔屏給您和家人拜年了!祝福您及家人在新的一年裡身體健康,平平安安。闔家幸福。對於您在武漢陽邏美居的入住經歷,我們深感抱歉。由於過年期間,酒店員工多數是外地的,因為疫情幾年沒有回家所以安排了大部分人員休息,人手的不足及業務能力的不熟練導致您進入到美居酒店時的體驗感就不太理想,續住後期由於客房大姐的失誤,衞生,進門沒有進行三敲三報,以及門鎖突彈簧的突然失靈等等一些列問題更是讓您的體驗感降到了冰點。當我在得知了顧客這些感受後第一時間趕到了現場,我知道我的一句道歉已不足以讓您平息心中的怒火。但是我依然想要儘自己最大努力去彌補這些不足給您帶去的不快。同時我們當天也召集了管理層視頻會議,當天就有管理層回到崗位上進行替補員工的不足,我們一直秉着讓顧客滿意的方向去努力在做,也真誠的希望小主能再給予我們一次機會,陽邏美居全體員工歡迎您的下次光臨!非常感謝小主跟我們分享了您的入住體驗,給了我們去改正的機會,願時光能帶走您所有的煩惱,下次再見時,希望能在這裡有不一樣的體驗。
Giacomo Petrolo
Superior Room (Double Bed)
Overnattede i feb. 2024
123 anmeldelse
Slået op den 16. apr. 2024
Nice hotel with a superlative breakfast
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您對我們的信任和支持,我們將一如既往地為您提供優質的服務和舒適的住宿體驗,讓您在旅途中感受到家得温馨和舒適。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住武漢陽邏開發區美居酒店,並抽出寶貴時間與我們分享您此次的入住感受,感謝您對小美的認可和好評,每段時光不在長短,貴在開心,一份情誼,不在遠近,貴在知心,朋友,今生有你做知己,真的很幸福,唯願你保重,一切都如意!陽邏美居期待您的下次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住武漢陽邏開發區美居酒店,並抽出寶貴時間與我們分享您此次的入住感受,感謝您對小美的認可和好評,每段時光不在長短,貴在開心,一份情誼,不在遠近,貴在知心,朋友,今生有你做知己,真的很幸福,唯願你保重,一切都如意!陽邏美居期待您的下次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 哇塞,看到客人如此高度的評價,小美美了美了美了,醉了醉了醉了,真想為您深情地獻上一首小美的《可能》可能小美的房間讓您覺得很棒;可能前台的服務讓您感動難忘;可能客官對小美特別鍾愛,可能分開就是一別兩寬,但是小美對您翹首以盼每個城市都會有讓人惦念的理由,每個季節都有我們難捨的景色,每個酒店也都有他們甜美而有温馨的回憶,希望陽邏美居酒店會是你記憶裏最温馨獨特的那個,常回家看看哦!