For at sikre autenticiteten af de viste bedømmelser, beregner vi ikke blot et gennemsnit. I stedet tager vi hensyn til anmeldelsens troværdighed og datoen for gæstens ophold for at fastlægge den endelige vurdering.
For the price, it was a decent hotel. The bathroom was clean, and the space capsule sleeping pod was clean, with clean bedding. The space capsule sleeping pods afforded some privacy and personal space, which you don't normally get in a hostel. The size was also ok, I could fit in it when lying down, and I am a very tall man. The only negative is that there was a very loud snorer in my room, but that is nobody's fault. The location was good, its near a subway station, and easy to find. You just look for the entrance with the letter B above the doorway, and head up the elevator to the 11th floor. There was a number on the door you can call, who spoke english, if you don't speak much chinese, like me. They also kindly let me store my heavy baggage from my flight.
I had a fantastic experience. The compact sleeping pod was surprisingly comfortable. The cleanliness was good, and the tranquil atmosphere allowed for a peaceful night's sleep. It was an affordable option that provided all the necessary amenities, making it a great choice. I also want to mention that the boss and the staff at the capsule hotel were incredibly friendly and accommodating. They were always available to assist with any inquiries or requests.
Overall, I highly recommend the JinCheng capsule chain youth Apartment for its comfort, and affordability.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 前台女生剛放假回家了,新看店的男生剛接手,還沒完全把工作捋順,物品擺放有點亂了。小店經營有幾年,看着是有點舊,但是設施都齊全良好。放行李的地方也多,旺季的時候大包小包都有地方放,現在淡季人少一點,空間肯定夠。大概是業務不熟練,有招待不週的地方,抱歉哈
Svar fra overnatningssted: 23年年初,到23年底,在錦程青年旅舍住過的男生,大概3600多人次,住過的女生,大概有1000多人次。你的留言,是最過分的一個,提到的幾點,做個簡單的説明。1.衞生間的地面和牆壁都貼了瓷磚,看到你的留言後,第一時間問前台男生啥情況,有沒有偷懶沒打掃乾淨,他的回覆是“怎麼可能”“廁所每天刷一次”“窗户保持半開通風。你若説沒打掃乾淨,地面有積水腳印,我大概率會相信你,但是你説廁所很臭,我相信看店的男生。2.由於店裡的太空艙比較寬敞,有的年輕媽媽會帶着小朋友入住雙人艙,考慮到安靜和空間,雙人艙一般會限制在一個。你訂的是雙人艙,當你訂了一個以後,網上就會顯示已訂完。當你到店以後,發現房間就你一個人入住,原因是現在臨近春節,人流量最淡,出來玩的女生更少。當天的女生間,就衹有你一個女生入住。3.在珞南路派出所的多次不定期流動人口安全檢查抽查中,小店因為反詐安全宣傳,登記,監控等各項安全規章制度落實嚴格到位,得到街道派出所警官的多次點名表揚。上一個前台女生看店了八個月,最近剛回家過春節,一直都很安全。4.大廈的電梯換新,一部已經換好並投入使用,另一部也已經換好,但還在做最後階段的調試,檢測,驗收,作為店主,這是我也沒辦法的事。短期看,有等電梯的煩惱,長期看,是好事。5.女生間有個大陽台,採光沒問題,房間燈也很亮。最近全國,武漢都在降温,所説陰冷我也能理解,你説環境很陰森,我衹能説,是你的內心不夠明亮。6.小店不大,從不刷好評。有的客人住着開心,走了以後給個好評,我心裏留有一份感謝。有時因客觀,服務不周導致的差評,一直的態度是表達歉意,保持謙遜和自查檢討。但是對於你這樣沒有根據的臆想,誇張,渲染,鼓動,我也希望,你別再來了。臨近春節,祝願大家,開開心心,新的一年,工作順利,心想事成!