This hotel offers many amenities that at the end they don't provide like Air Conditioning. It was awful we spend three sleepless very hot nights because the AC does not exist. We complained and the receptionist, in a rude way said that it was cold outside, 27°C/81°F, so the AC was not working because the outside temperature was lower that the one the central unit of the AC is programmed to start working. The problem is that the inside temperature of the 'mini' room where we were in was higher than that. It would have been better to sleep outside in the parking lot, which by the way was very expensive. They offered us a fan that we could use or the option to leave the hotel and go to other one that would fit as better. The problem was that it was late in the afternoon, all the nearby hotels were full and this hotel was prepaid, non refundable. I would not recommend this hotel