10. august 2023
Gracious estate replete with white peacocks and several hundred-year-old platane tree was a lovely experience: after being admitted at the gate, having our bags ferried in a golf cart, and checking into our room with dark wood, fireplace, and four-poster canopied bed, all befitting a chateau (castle), we lounged/read at seating on the lawn, drinking afternoon tea--staff appeared helpfully to take orders. The owner or manager hobnobbed with guests and locals, accompanied by the house dogs, the chef and kitchen staff arrived as we were having tea and smiled, the gardner took his leave in his truck, moving an old dog out of the path--and the little robot lawn mower managed to disengage itself from lawn chairs--all creating a feeling of luxury at work. Dinner was at the wonderful one-star restaurant (separate review) overlooking the lawn and platane tree--a magical setting. Staff was friendly yet professional, and all designed to provide a welcoming, special experience.