21. marts 2024
İ DİD arraived to City of Ratchathsni mid night. There were some illegal people to carry tobyour Resort. When İ saw the name and adress if Resort no one know. İ found A taxi and say the name and address of resort. after 10 munites drive and he left me some place and he said this is aadress and left. i just look forbany resort arround but not.till.03.00 am coudnt anything. Than öne of the street good seller Man call a friend taxi DRİVER .He said this resort opposit of this point and he took me and find the ressirt.time was 03.30. All staff were sleeping.they wake up sfter some argument ...the accept me. my bug concern was resort telefon not exist. İ did call 7 time ABD DRİVER and DRİVER friend call also.
ACTUALLY i found also myself as a mistaker.