George Nickum
24. august 2024
I received horrible treatment by a racist manager and perhaps owner of the Silk Road Pearl hotel. I had a 7:00 am appointment with a friend to meet at the bus depot for busses going to Pakistan. It was Friday and we needed to be there by 7:00am to guarantee a ticket. This was Beijing time. It was 5:00 am local time. I asked the manager to call for a taxi at 6:30 am but couldn’t get her to agree. She kept finding excuse like that isn’t the right bus station or they leave much later. Finally she offered to drive me there, which I accepted. However, in the morning she told me to walk. “Go 3 stoplights, turn left and walk 10 minutes to station.” I knew that wasn’t far enough. I’d taken a taxi from the station to the hotel the day before.
I pleaded with her to no avail. She said the drivers were all Tajiks and didn’t take showers. She said “no phone” but I pointed to it. She said the drivers were all lazy and wouldn’t be up. I finally gave up and walked for an hour and a half with my 21 pound pack on my back. I am 79 years old. When I got close to the city center I hailed a cab and got to the station after 8:30 am. My friend was still waiting for me thank goodness and we were able to get tickets on the bus to Pakistan. should not list this hotel or recommend it. Racist attitudes have no place anywhere but especially in the travel industry. Refusing to call a taxi for a 79 year old customer is inexcusable, especially when the hotel is located in a remote area.
The manager was correct that the 10 minute walk gets you to a bus station. But it was a stopping point for the City bus which wouldn’t start running for at least 2 hours.
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