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Overnattede i mar. 2024
70 anmeldelse
Slået op den 4. apr. 2024
It's a nice place to stay inside the Tongli Old Town, which is a world heritage-listed national park in China. It's clean and conveniently located. The owner is friendly. He can help you to get a discount for the park entrance to get in. Will definitely return again and recommend this to our friends.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 和生四季,山中有孚,在這個難忘的季節,能與您相遇於此是我們莫大的榮幸,交通很便利,整體風格偏簡約時尚,店內的一草一木、一書一畫都是老闆精挑細選,以佈置“家”的情懷來建造;這裏春和景明,夏樹蒼翠,秋色宜人,冬日可愛,是個絕對的“入局不虧”的地方~同時也非常感謝您對我們服務的認可,我們一定會做得更好~期待與您的下一次相遇,願您一切盡意,百事從歡~
Loft - nær floden
Overnattede i jan. 2024
Rejs med venner
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 7. feb. 2024
No English spoken here when I went so be sure to have a translation app or some basic mandarin under your belt. You will have to call the hotel so they can pick you up on a moped. Luckily my friend speaks mandarin and the moped came in handy for our huge suitcase. Keep in mind there are a few entrances and didis can’t enter. The closest entrance to where I stayed was not where our didi dropped us off. Room has a sweet Bluetooth system installed in the ceiling which with my peach blossom wine was giving vibes. Also, the roads here are like old style bricks so suitcases beware! Consider packing light for your stay here but I highly recommend the peach blossom wine and the stall nearby covered in flowers nearby! $78 rmb for a jar and if you buy 3 they’ll give a 4th free!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Life one after another encounter, is a great fate, thank you very much for your support, wish to spend a good time with you in the future journey! Slow Life manager looks forward to your visit again!
Gæsteværelse - Flodudsigt (Dobbelt seng)
Overnattede i aug. 2023
9 anmeldelse
Slået op den 20. sep. 2023
Hotel location is a bit far from gate entrance.
Can arrange with the owner to pick up luggage.
Large and comfortable bed. Just that no TV.
Owner also arrange ppl to send us to the tram station after checkout.
Tongli is a nice place to hang out.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you so much for choosing to stay at Slow Life B&B. It is very convenient to drive a taxi, of course, there are many customers choose to take the subway line smart tram to the north gate to our store 900 meters. If needed, we can go to the parking lot or the entrance to the town, or the smart rail tram station to meet you, the room is in the river with a terrace, beautiful scenery, quiet, into the local atmosphere of life, our intelligent network TV, if needed can also be installed mobile projector, any need to put forward we will try to meet, 500 megabit broadband network makes mobile In
Anonym bruger
Overnattede i mar. 2023
7 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. apr. 2023
Had an awesome stay. Inside Tongli ancient town. Not next to any bars if you like to sleep, but within easy walking distance to everything..Service was great, super helpful with suggestions and locations of activities. Definitely 100% coming back!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for comingNice to meet you, looking forward to meeting you again,下回在请您品中国的碧螺春。
Overnattede i apr. 2023
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 21. maj 2023
Great view Great Location Friendly service thank you 🤝
Svar fra overnatningssted: 褪去腳上的鞋,赤腳踏在平靜的石板路上,感受這古鎮猶如唐江南女子般的温柔,那又是另一件令人愜意的事,是與看聲音跳華爾茲截然不同的感覺那是什麼呢?應該是温柔和安靜吧,這裏靜謐得仿若不存在,然而她的美,卻又讓人不容忽視
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇我們古鎮內的庭院觀景大床房民宿呀!看到您滿意的評價,我們心裏也樂開了花。很開心您喜歡房間的觀景視野,能讓您透過窗户就欣賞到庭院美景,感受古鎮的寧靜與韻味。我們一直用心佈置每一處細節,就是希望給客人帶來舒適又難忘的住宿體驗。能得到您的認可,説明我們的努力沒白費呢。期待下次您再來的時候,我們還能為您提供更優質的服務,願您以後的旅程也都充滿美好!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,您的好評如春日暖陽,温暖了我們的心。很開心您在民宿度過了一段愜意的慢生活時光,我們致力於打造的人文別院,能得到您的認可,便是對我們最大的鼓勵。同裏古鎮的韻味,如同一杯醇厚的茶,越品越香。希望您將這份美好分享給更多人,也盼望着您下次再來,一同沉醉在這江南的詩意之中。
Gæsteværelse - Flod-Udsigt
Overnattede i jan. 2025
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 6. feb. 2025
房東熱情 到景區門口接的 房間位置很好 環境好 周圍景色很好
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的朋友,感謝您選擇我們民宿,還留下這麼棒的評價!在同裏古鎮,我們努力營造的慢生活氛圍和人文情懷,能融入您的旅程,成為美好回憶,我們深感欣慰。別院的一草一木,都見證着您的閑適時光。期待您再次踏入這扇門,感受歲月靜好,重温江南水鄉的獨特魅力。