8. september 2023
No cleaning service: in the three days that I stayed I always saw the same dirt around:
Used underwear hanging, used paper on the floor (everywhere, even in the corridor), beard hairs on the only bottle of soap, on the sink and on the sink counter...
When on the second day I asked to the reception guy when it should be cleaned, I was told that it had been cleaned the day before (absolutely false since the dirt was always in the same position) and that they had been cleaning at that moment for two hours... (and the only thing I saw done was emptying the bins, by two quite ambiguous people who live in the hostel and the previous evening were drinking alchool in the common all that for sure are no cleaning service staff)... all the dirt was left there.
There is no one at reception before 10am or after 6pm. The telephone number doesn't even work, so absolutely don't arrive late
Tiny rooms, THE PHOTOS ARE FAKE, there are two bunk beds less than a meter apart.
IF you are taller than 1.70 meters you risk continually banging your head against doors, low bathroom vaults and pipes protruding everywhere
As if that wasn't enough they ask for 10 euros for sheets and you have to pay if you want to use the locker.
only two positive things:
1-being underground (without windows) and with quite thick walls it is quite quiet
2-it's in the center