Small Luxury Hotels of the World - Hospes Infante Sagres Porto anmeldelser
Small Luxury Hotels of the World - Hospes Infante Sagres Porto
Praça D. Filipa de Lencastre 62, Porto, Porto District, 4050-259, PortugalVis hoteloplysninger
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106 anmeldelse
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Overnattede i nov. 2023
21 anmeldelse
Slået op den 30. dec. 2023
Great location but this “five star hotel” was all show no substance.
Breakfast consists of cheap self service coffee machines paltry racks of dried bread and lukewarm scrambled eggs in le cruset pots, and no service whatsoever.
The room is spacious but has a wonky clap board four poster bed and the cheap noise insulation windows means the bar sounds below the hotel could be heard all night long. Bed linen was very premium and comfortable, turndown service was nice.
Moldy smells in the hallways coupled with industrial paint smells from the recent renovation to the room makes one think of health code violations.
Front desk staff seemed aloof and insincere. The doormen were the only staff that were really friendly and genuine.
Come and have a peek of the beautiful lobby and stay at one of the many 5 star hotels nearby.
This hotel truly was a disappointment.