Josipa Jovića 19, Plitvicka Jezera, Lika-Senj County, 53231, CroatiaVis hoteloplysninger
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102 anmeldelse
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Overnattede i mar. 2024
7 anmeldelse
Slået op den 22. apr. 2024
Make sure you take advantage of their special of buy one day ticket and valid for all days during your stay deal
Overnattede i apr. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 23. maj 2024
The hotel is very close to Plitvice Lakes National Park entrance 2. But it is far from anything else. There is no kettle and air conditioner in the room. The only hot water provided by the hotel is very dirty in which it has full of floating 2mm sized snowflake like sediment dust. There is no shop close by to buy clean water & the worst is that the hotel restaurant does not allow anyone to fill clean water but forcing you to refill dirty hot water into your drinking bottle. Two nights had two dining experience at hotel restaurant: first night the food is just okay. The second night we had been served cold plates regardless we ordered hot main course – both pork fillet & veal meat were chewing & already cold when on our table. The side vegs in the plate were not freshly cooked – too cold to eat!! For the breakfast if you are after large tourist groups then most food containers will be empty. You must have time and wait for most empty food containers to be filled up again. It is clear that the old hotel is designed for tourist group not for individule travellers.
Overnattede i jun. 2022
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. jul. 2022
Near to entrance 2 of the park, decent room size, but no air-conditioning