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Overnattede i sep. 2024
6 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 13. okt. 2024
It was a very comfortable apartment for 4 of us. The apartment had everything you need and more!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for your stay at our hotel and for taking the time to write a review. We are very pleased to hear that you had a pleasant stay with us. Your direct words and suggestions are most precious to us and are a source of encouragement for us. We will continue our efforts to be a hotel that is loved by everyone, and we look forward to your continued patronage.We sincerely look forward to welcoming you again.
Overnattede i sep. 2023
15 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 11. nov. 2023
Good location. Close to train station and restaurants.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for choosing our hotel and for taking the time to share your feedback. We are delighted to hear that you appreciated our convenient location, close to the train station and various restaurants. Our team strives to provide a location that is not only easily accessible but also enhances our guests' overall experience by being near to key attractions and dining options.We hope that the ease of access and the variety of nearby dining options contributed to a memorable and enjoyable stay. It's always encouraging to know when our guests have had a positive experience, and we look forward to the opportunity to welcome you back in the near future.Warm regards,
Anonym bruger
Overnattede i nov. 2022
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 7. jan. 2023
- It is situated quite a distance from Osaka Station, in between Osaka and Fukushima Station.
- Be prepared to get stuck outside the glass door of the apartment as they do not provide pin code to enter the building at all.
- No staff on site for assistance. You have to first enter the building, then use a tablet to call the staff off-site. Staff wasn't well versed in English.
- Can't leave luggage at the apartment if you are early. They are strict with check-in time (3pm)
- The good thing is that the apartment provides kitchen, stove, fridge, dining table, washer, etc.
- Bedroom is hazardous. Be prepared to trip over sharp corners of the bed frame.
Overnattede i nov. 2022
2 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 30. dec. 2022
Great location and good sized apartment for a family of 4 adults. Can improve on the cleanliness at washing area as well as quality of room slippers.
베네치아 오
Værelse til 3 personer
Overnattede i jan. 2025
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 24. feb. 2025
우선 잘 쉬었다가 왔습니다.
여행에 참고하시라고 몇가지 적어봅니다.
1. 우메다역과 하늘정원에서 가까워서 좋습니다.
2. 주방이 있어 간단히 식사하기 좋습니다.
3. 세탁기가 있어 빨래해서 널어놓으면 가습기
역활을해서 좋습니다.
1. 가격대비 3명이 사용하기에는 좀 좁았습니다.
옷장으로 지나다니기가 힘들었어요
그냥 2인용으로 하는게 맞는듯 합니다
2.겨울이지만 창문이 커서인지 웃풍이 심했습니다.
추위 많이 타시는분 비추입니다
3. 난방으로 온풍기가 틀면 목감기 올수 있습니다.
가습기가 있으면 좋을듯합니다.
4."호텔 입구 비번"이라고 명확히 해주시고 비번답게
설정해 주십시요. 비번을 헷갈려서 한참만에야 들어갔네요
이상입니다. 좋은 여행들 되십시요
Svar fra overnatningssted: 안녕하세요, Minn 키타우메다 호텔입니다.이번 여행 중 저희 호텔에서 편히 쉬셨다니 정말 기쁘게 생각합니다. 우메다역과 하늘정원 근처라는 위치나 객실 내 주방과 세탁기 등 편의 시설에 대해 좋은 평가를 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.한편, 객실 공간과 방한 문제, 난방 방식 및 호텔 입구 비밀번호에 대한 소중한 조언을 주셔서 감사드립니다. 말씀 주신 추위와 난방의 문제를 포함해, 보다 편안한 숙박을 제공할 수 있도록 개선과 환경 조성에 최선을 다하겠습니다. 입구 비밀번호 설정과 안내 측면에서도 더 명확하게 개선하도록 하겠습니다.귀한 의견을 공유해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드리며, 다음 방문을 기대하며 최선의 서비스를 약속드리겠습니다.Minn 키타우메다 팀 드림
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇入住Minn北梅田,並留下寶貴的反饋。我們很高興得知您對房間整體條件感到滿意。然而,對於前台服務態度、房間清潔以及毛巾更換等問題給您帶來的不愉快體驗,我們深表歉意。此外,關於語言支持不足的問題,給您造成的不便我們也深感抱歉。我們會認真傾聽您的意見並不斷努力改進服務,希望未來有機會為您提供更好的入住體驗。Minn北梅田團隊敬上
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您選擇入住Minn北梅田,並分享您的寶貴意見。我們很高興得知您對房間的設施和人性化設計感到滿意,自助辦理入住也為您的旅途提供了便利。我們會不斷努力,為您提供更加舒適的入住體驗。期待再次見到您!Minn北梅田全體團隊敬上
Overnattede i nov. 2023
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 23. dec. 2023
關西機場巴士前往,在Hotel New Hankyu雖然比Herbis多走兩三分鐘,但路線走去比較方便。
*入住前要先自行登上酒店網頁聯絡酒店,預先提供check-in文件,酒店會提供正門密碼才能進入大廈check-in (到達時自助scan QR code check-in, 用大堂NotePad 聯絡職員提供房間資料)
Check-out可以在房間門內掃Q R code.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for staying at our hotel and for posting your review. After reading your review, we are very sorry to hear that you had some inconveniences, such as the lack of towels. I sincerely apologize. We will strive to improve the points you have pointed out in the future, so we appreciate your patience. Direct comments and comments from our guests are the most valuable thing for us at the hotel, and are a source of encouragement. We will continue to strive to be a hotel that is loved by everyone, and we look forward to your continued patronage.
Overnattede i sep. 2023
Rejs med venner
4 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 5. nov. 2023
Svar fra overnatningssted: この度は当ホテルをご利用いただき、またお部屋の清潔さと広さについてのご満足をお寄せいただき、心より感謝申し上げます。当ホテルでは、お客様に快適なご滞在を提供するために、お部屋の清潔さと広さに特に注意を払っております。お客様のお言葉は、とても励みとなります。今後も、お客様に最高の体験を提供できるよう、サービスの向上に努めて参ります。またのご宿泊を心よりお待ちしております。次回も、快適で忘れがたいご滞在をご提供できるよう、一層の努力をして参ります。
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for staying at our hotel and for posting your review.We are very sorry to read your review and to hear that you had an unpleasant experience regarding the check-in time.Regarding the points you have pointed out, we will share information within the company and consider countermeasures.We will continue to strive to be a hotel that is loved by everyone, and we look forward to your continued patronage.We sincerely look forward to seeing you again.