18. september 2024
Signs said please pardon our dust, they should have shut the floors down that had not been remodeled yet, old mismatched furniture in the room, no evacuation sign on The Room doors, patio door with no lock, patio railing that was rotting, faucets that were lose, peeling paint, bathroom door must have gotten wet at some point, turned heat on and smelled like burning flesh, ceiling in the elevator fell down, extension cords all over for power, we were on 1st floor which really is 3 levels down, pool was on same floor,( more like a giant hot tub) that caused the entire floor to be hot and rebaked of very strong chlorine. We were there for a wedding, brides dad ending up vacuuming the banquet room for 3 hours, because no staff showed up to do it, dinner was not ready on time and they then ran out of the paid for food ( potato fingerlings) and substituted mash potato’s from an earlier event held at the venue. See photos