26. december 2022
I'm sorry to give such a low rating. It is a reflection of an episode and not of the actual place, which as great. I was doing the pilgrim route from Palermo to Messina ON MY OWN. On the 24th of December, I stayed here. The owner organised to meet me at the BNB later on for the payment. I was waiting for him, and then he suddenly emerged from one of the other rooms. He had been there the whole time I was waiting, when I thought I was alone. All of this would have been fine if someone hadn't entered the BNB after 1am. I was the only one staying there, so I imagine it was the owner. The person went into another room and stayed about 2 hours before leaving. I was trembling and contemplated throwing myself from the 4th floor to escape. Maybe there was no malice, but any person entering unannounced at the hour when a women by herself if sleeping is unacceptable. Any kind of notification would have been better than that, an probably still unacceptable nonetheless. It is 2022. Women shouldn't have to wake up terrified in the middle of the night in a BNB.