17. juli 2022
Amazing experience. Manager helped make everything perfect. Hotel courtyard by night is gorgeous. Stone street outside lining narrow river is full of rushing waterfalls and magical at sunset, and after dark. Make sure to eat in hotel restaurant—sitting in the tea shop is best. Delicious tofu, eggplant, and potato “silk” dishes. Best of all is the cauliflower! Also, iced passion fruit-lime juice…I drank two glasses after every run. Manager also will serve endless cups of tea from her father’s tea farm up the mountain. As local as local gets here.
Hekang village only 4-5 km down mountain road, while it’s about 8km up to a famous tulou village. But tulous are everywhere around, including several inside Taxia. Unbelievable place. 3 nights should be the absolute minimum stay.
Oh, and the cats are friendly and at least one wants to meet you!