9. januar 2023
My husband and I are very blessed to be able to travel around Australia in our caravan - we are a professional couple - my husband works from home as a aviation safety analyst and I am a Veterinary Nurse and locum at clinics. I explained all this to indicate we are not grumpy old travellers. In fact, the vast majority of our stays have been delightful. On Saturday 7/01/23, after a really long and steaming hot journey, we decided to rather stay overnight at a motel instead of setting up at a caravan park. I phoned the Murray Bridge Motor Inn to enquire if any of their accomodation allowed pets, (two mini foxies) in a friendly manner. The reply “No!” ….. and the phone was put down. How astonishing. For someone in the service industry to lack even the most basic good manners - I phoned back just to make sure the line didn’t cut out ….. nope, his brusque and rude reply was the same. That annoyed me and I replied that his establishments profile on TripAdvisor wouldn’t look too flash if that’s how he treated clients. I put it behind me and phoned other motels, but then got a text! “Grow up!” Ha ha. That did make me laugh. To be fair, it cannot be easy to deal with the public for a living, but his passive aggressive attitude is inexcusable. But it all became clear and understandable a little later in the evening when we popped into town for dinner and we drove past this establishment - I don’t want to be cruel, but let’s just say that shabby and rundown description is being kind and we dodged a bullet.