1. marts 2024
Sport Hotel San Vigilio, Moena, L Vial 23 38035. from 28/01/2024 -02/02/2024 Early morning of 29/30th January 2024, I could hear a scratching on top of my head, this awoke me with anxiety and was wondering what it could be. By 06:00am I could stand it no longer and went downstairs to reception to complain, but also was in need of a hot drink to calm my anxiety. There was a notice board on the reception desk saying that in an emergency to call a mobile number. As it was already 6am I did not call the number but waited till breakfast time at 09:00am to explain to Davide of my disturbance during the night.I was told they were aware of the noise and it was the pump from the hydrotherapy pool which was above my room ( room number 300). I explained I knew the difference between an electrical equipment/ pump noise to a scratching sound. By Tuesday evening my cousin did not come to supper as he was feeling unwell. I also was not able to eat most of my meal through feeling nauseous. Not feeling well,I went to my room. From a group of 7 of us 6 became ill with gastroenteritis. Other guests in the hotel became ill with gastroenteritis also. We were told it was a virus. If that was the case certain precautions should have taken place to protect the guests. On Thursday I complained again on the scratching noise to Davide , proprietor( I had not been able to leave my room form being unwell with gastroenteritis, snce the Tuesday evening.) He came to room 300 to inspect and I told him exactly where the noise was coming from. He made no comment. I was being kept awake from the early hours of the morning till, 06;00 am,07;00 am. No facilities to get a warm drink during the long awakened nights. No apologies, as far as management was concerned it was the pump, I believe it to be a mouse.