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Main Building Deluxe Double Bed Room B
Overnattede i sep. 2022
52 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 6. okt. 2022
The hotel is located at the city center with easy access to supermarkets, restaurants and PCR test stations. The rooms are clean, though the design is old-fashioned, and not friendly to family with kids. Since we stayed during the national day holiday week, the hotel was packed, and in the morning we struggled to find a place to sit down for breakfast. There was a decent selection in the breakfast, however the taste was just average and with limited choices to foreign travellers. During check in some covid rules were a bit ridiculous.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:感謝您對酒店位置的肯定。對於您提出的問題,我們會認真對待並加以改進。關於設計老舊和對帶孩子家庭不友好的情況,酒店設施存在一定的年代感,但我們也一直在努力維護和改進,並不影響正常使用。對帶孩子的家庭不友好問題,下次入住如有什麼問題可聯繫酒店大堂經理為您服務!在假期高峯時段早餐座位緊張的問題,我們會想辦法改善;對於早餐的口味和對外國友人的適應性,我們也會努力提升。再次感謝您的反饋,期待您的再次光臨。祝您諸事順遂,平安喜樂!
Chris Brighton
Superior Queen Room (Main building)
Overnattede i jan. 2022
10 anmeldelse
Slået op den 7. feb. 2022
The hotel is old and in need of updating. The appearance is good with large lobby and rooms, but on closer inspection you can see it’s faded and aged. On running the bath water it was brown and smelly for some time as the water had been stagnant in the pipes. The bedsheets needed to be changed on arrival due to staining and dirt.
Breakfast was lots of choices but not very well prepared. Neither I nor my partner, who is Chinese, found much worth eating and took breakfast at the local Starbucks for the rest of the stay.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, thank you very much for staying at Shuangge Peace International Hotel. I'm sorry for the uncomfortable experience caused by the hotel's facilities. Customer satisfaction is the most important, we always pay attention to service details, if you have any problems during your stay, please call 88108 directly to inform the hotel lobby assistant manager to deal with and service for you, we apologize again. The rooms in the main building of the hotel will also be renovated. We look forward to your next stay. Let us provide you with a pleasant stay experience and wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger.
Tushar deoram
Double Room (Main building)
Overnattede i dec. 2021
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. feb. 2022
The stay was good, staff is very helpful and friendly. Service is quick and really pleasant stay. The breakfast in the morning was good. Thanks!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests: Hello! Thank you very much for your five points of praise and your evaluation and affirmation of Shuangge Peace International Hotel. In the future, we will continue to adhere to the service concept of Shuangge Hotel and let every guest spend every day in Shuangge Hotel comfortably and happily. We sincerely look forward to your coming again! I wish you a happy life!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:百善孝為先,您在年前陪伴父母出遊的這份孝心,讓我們深受感動。非常感謝您再次選擇雙鴿和平酒店,能成為您旅途中的安心驛站,是我們的榮幸。很開心我們優越的地理位置契合了您的出行需求,為您和家人的旅程提供了便利。對於早餐沒能讓您十分滿意,我們深感歉意。您的反饋是我們前進的動力,我們會認真對待,努力提升早餐的品質和豐富度,希望下次您和父母入住時,能給您帶來全新的美味體驗。新的一年,願您和家人身體健康,諸事順遂,每一次出行都能收穫滿滿的美好。期待未來能繼續為您和家人的旅途保駕護航!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:感謝您的高度評價!我們很高興能為您和家人帶來舒適的親子之旅。寬敞的接待大廳、整潔的房間、豐盛的早餐,還有我們熱情的前台小夥伴,都是為了讓您有賓至如歸的體驗。門前的大停車場及地下車庫能容納200多輛確實對車輛停車有利條件,能得到您對性價比的認可,更是我們不斷前進的動力。期待下次再為您和家人服務,祝您闔家幸福,萬事順遂!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店並分享您的入住體驗!很高興得知您和家人在台州度過了愉快的時光。酒店所處的地段確實十分便利,能讓您輕鬆前往各個景點和享受美食,這也是我們一直努力為客人提供的優勢之一。關於酒店的裝修風格和設施,有復古的韻味,同時也會不斷完善和提升設備的齊全度。對於早餐的種類,我們會認真考慮您的建議,增加蛋糕和水果的種類,讓早餐更加豐富多樣。服務方面,能為您和家人提供貼心的照顧是我們應盡的職責,看到您和孩子對機器人的喜愛,我們也很開心。再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,期待您的下次光臨!祝您的生活如詩如畫,幸福美滿!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:非常感謝您對我們酒店的認可和好評!我們很高興聽到您對房間面積、床的大小、酒店保養、服務員的熱情周到以及酒店的地理位置都感到滿意。也通過您的慧眼看到酒店不一樣的風格,您的肯定是我們不斷努力的動力,我們會繼續保持並不斷提升我們的服務質量,期待您的再次光臨,讓您能持續感受到我們的用心和誠意,祝您健康如意,好運連連!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的上海貴賓:您好!很是遺憾,本次下榻讓您體驗感不佳,在此向您表示歉意!也感謝您的評語,酒店也非常重視,針對此事,酒店做了全面瞭解,查詢錄音電話等設備,21:00時您來電反映對樓上的賓客不滿意影響了您的休息,酒店工作人員熱情的接聽了您的來電,並第一時間去處理溝通,您樓上房間確實有幾位客人在喝茶聊天,客人素質較好,對酒店也較配合,可能酒店處理的未達到您的要求,實在抱歉!臨海雙鴿和平國際酒店是一家老牌星級酒店,住房率高,性價比更高,備受賓客認可優選,酒店位於臨海這個歷史名城的中心地帶,附近擁有多家大型商場及超市,距離江南長城、紫陽古街、東湖公園等旅遊景點約2-3公里,距離客運中心約7公里,距離火車站約12公里。吃飯、購物、遊玩、出行都很方便,酒店開業至今,致力於服務質量的提升及設備的維護保養,玻璃門窗也是雙層中空玻璃,早餐為中西式自助早餐,地方特色小吃等等,品種較豐富。早餐用餐時間6:30-9:30此時間是不會有斷檔情況出現的,9:00以後有需要送餐服務,我們也是非常樂意為賓客服務的,再次向您致歉,期待能有機會彌補此次的不足,為您的下次入住帶來更多的驚喜,祝您生活愉快,萬事如意!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常高興得知您對我們酒店感到滿意,沒有讓您失望。您的認可和讚賞是對我們最大的鼓勵。我們會一如既往地保持優質的服務,不斷努力提升,讓每一位客人都能感受到家一般的温暖。期待您再次光臨,繼續為您帶來愉悦的住宿體驗!再次感謝您的好評!祝您天天擁有好心情!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您入住雙鴿和平國際酒店並點評,我們致力於提升酒店的服務質量和設施設備的保養維護,一日都不敢懈怠,設備都是可以正常使用的。第二天設備突發故障水管漏水,第一時間馬上聯繫服務人員,維修人員去處理並送上水果和葯品,徵求您意見處理,怕您後續身體不適,建議陪您去醫院拍片,這樣酒店和您都放心,您表示身體沒問題,要趕往下個景點,已添加微信溝通,下午酒店聯繫您拒接電話,發關心詢問訊息都未回覆,晚上拒絕通話,後給您補償退款您已收取。服務行業不易,請客觀評價!當然發生這樣的事也不是我們希望的,再次向您致歉,祝您身體健康,萬事如意!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:對於給您帶來的糟糕體驗,我們深表歉意。您所反饋的問題,我們已經嚴肅對待並進行了深刻反思,我們會立即加強員工服務意識和職業素養的培訓,優化網絡設定及提示訊息,避免類似情況再次發生。 很欣慰前台徐麗敏和張倩倩的服務能得到您的認可,我們會將她們樹立為榜樣,激勵全體員工提升服務水平。我們深知服務質量是酒店的生命線,會努力改進,期待未來能有機會再次為您服務,給您帶來全新的、滿意的入住體驗。祝您心情愉悦,萬事勝意!