Holiday Inn Express Liaocheng ETDZ by IHG anmeldelser
Holiday Inn Express Liaocheng ETDZ by IHG
No. 1 Haihe Road Dongcheng Street, Modern Yuyuan Building, Liaocheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng, Shandong, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
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Ajay Tee
Superior-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i maj 2024
10 anmeldelse
Slået op den 15. jun. 2024
The venue is clean and easily accessible, the elevators are fast and their breakfast menu was great. The staff is very friendly and check in procedure was fast.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Greetings esteemed guest! Thank you very much for your stay and appreciation! We are glad to bring you a good time for your outing. The hotel is located on Dongchang Road, the main road of Liaocheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, adjacent to Rongfu Center, Contemporary International Building, Liaocheng International Financial Center, Liaocheng University (East Campus), Liaocheng Central Hospital. With convenient transportation, you can easily drive to Liaocheng Railway Station and Liaocheng West Railway Station. There are many attractions around the hotel, including Liaocheng Dongchang Lake Scenic Spot, Guangyue Building, Shanxan Guild Hall, Ferris Wheel Fun City, Jiuzhouwa Moon Festival Park, etc.. We pay great attention to the quality and connotation of service, whenever you step into the lobby for the first time, we are dedicated to provide you with warm, friendly, careful and efficient service, bring you a home away from home wonderful experience. Sincerely welcome you to come again, wish you a happy life!Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team.
Imesh Perera
Superior-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i sep. 2024
Rejs med venner
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 24. okt. 2024
Very Good Hotel! Good Service
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, thank you for staying at Holiday Inn Express Liaocheng Jingkai District. The hotel is dedicated to creating a simple, warm, comfortable and convenient environment for guests to rest, relax and work, which is a wise choice. Do service, in the smallest place to see the heart, we always observe carefully, keep a keen sense of touch to respond to the needs of guests, in the moment you need the most for you to create a perfect experience beyond expectation. We look forward to meeting you again and wish you a happy life and a happy family!Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team.
Varad Pawar
Superior-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i nov. 2024
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 5. dec. 2024
Clean nice and warm
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, thank you for your five-point review of the Chi. When you are out and about, hygiene is the most important thing, we strictly supervise the hygiene, the cleaning staff cleans every corner carefully, and the fabrics in the guest rooms are “changed once per guest”, and there are high temperature disinfection and legionella water testing, etc., to provide guests with both clean and safe living environment. Instead of just meeting basic needs, we have redefined our brand values - adding human touch to simplicity and efficiency. Your satisfaction is the best encouragement to Xiaozhi, we look forward to serving you again and wish you every success!Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team.
2 dobbeltsenge standard
Overnattede i sep. 2024
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 24. dec. 2024
Best Hotel
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, thank you for staying in our hotel. We carefully create simple and stylishly decorated rooms, complete but not superfluous facilities, selected quality beds and soft and hard double pillows, refreshing bath facilities, nutritious breakfast, self-service laundry, free parking, etc., as well as attentive housekeeping service to make you feel comfortable during your stay. Thank you again for your continuous support, look forward to your stay again, wish you a pleasant journey.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team.
Anonym bruger
Superior-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i sep. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 1. nov. 2024
good amy
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人您好,快樂有很多種,看到您的好評就是其中的一種,感謝您給予的信任!對每一位入住的客人笑臉相迎,提供熱情、專業的服務是我們智選人的職責所在,我們盡最大努力為賓客創造舒適的居停條件,您的滿意就是對我們最好的肯定與鼓勵!誠邀您再次蒞臨,祝您工作順利。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,您好!感謝您選擇了小智家,讓我們有機會與您相識,為您服務。我們一直秉持着“以客為尊”的服務理念,致力於為客人提供舒適、便捷和貼心的住宿體驗。我們的工作人員會不遺餘力地為客人提供幫助和支持,讓每一位客人都能夠感受到家一般的温馨和關懷。期待您下一次光臨,和我們分享您的入住體驗。祝您事事順利,生活幸福。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,很開心能為您帶去愉悦的住宿體驗。擁有眾多時尚簡約的客房,高速網絡,舒適床品,一鍵投屏電視。酒店提供豐盛的中西式自助早餐,送物機器人,公區配備自助式商務中心,2間會議室,自助洗衣閣和健身房,為不同需求的您提供完善的服務。酒店另配備了充電樁設施,為您的電動車或混動車提供便捷的充電服務。在您休息的同時,也為您的愛車充滿能量。自助早餐作為酒店的品牌特色,我們尤其重視,並時刻關注住客的意見和體驗不斷調整早餐品種以及口味,很榮幸酒店精心準備的 能夠得到您的喜愛。期盼下次聊城之旅再次入住我們酒店,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,熱愛可抵歲月漫長,無論天涯海角小智都在默默等候您的到來。小智家客房簡約清新,充滿巧思創意,配備舒凈適意的睡床、優質温馨的床上用品、緊實和柔軟兩種枕頭、一鍵連接高速網絡,營養豐盛的自助早餐,讓您的入住更加的無憂,自在,舒適。還有商務中心,洗衣閣和其它自助式服務設施,無論您是商務出行或休閑度假,相信我們酒店一定是您最睿智的選擇。安靜的休息環境離不開客房的隔音措施,我們的客房窗户安裝中空雙層隔音玻璃,房門採用特製加厚實木門以及隔音門封條,窗簾也有很好的遮光效果,打造安靜獨立的私人空間,呵護您的安靜睡眠。誠摯邀請您再次蒞臨,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,感謝您選擇入住我們酒店。酒店遵循集團的管理標準和理念,精心甄選各項配套設施,合理佈局,為賓客呈現一個時尚温馨的居停空間。我們的工作人員以真誠、熱情、禮儀、周到的待客理念,讓您時時刻刻感受舒適與美好。我們還貼心提供免費停車場,智能機器人送物,智空間,自助洗衣閣等便利設施,無論長住還是短居,無不方便舒適。期待能繼續為您服務,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,衷心感謝您對我們酒店的詳盡評價與高度認可!我們精心打造整潔舒適的各類客房,甄選品牌床墊及軟硬雙枕,暢爽沐浴設施,液晶電視,符合人體工程學的桌椅,休閑沙發,以及免費停車場,自助洗衣閣,智能機器人服務,為您一掃舟車勞頓,願您在這裏身體能夠得到充分的放鬆。自助式智選早餐,作為小智家的品牌特色,源自大廚們的精心製作,有中西結合的菜品,也有本地特色餐飲,多種多樣,還注重營養的均衡搭配。我們帶來的不止是可口早餐,更是新鮮活力的高效一天。期待您的下次到來,祝您幸福安康。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您百忙之中分享的美好感受。讓您住得放心、舒心是我們所求!我們精心打造整潔舒適的各類客房,舒適的中央空調控温,甄選優質睡床及軟硬雙枕,暢爽沐浴設施,液晶電視,符合人體工程學的桌椅,休閑沙發,以及營養早餐,免費停車場,自助洗衣閣,智能機器人服務,為您一掃舟車勞頓,願您在這裏身體能夠得到充分的放鬆。小智家的入住氛圍時尚舒適,餐食選擇安心美味,服務周到貼心,環境乾淨整潔,還有齊全的各項現代化設施,優惠實在的價格,相信一定是您出行聊城時最堅強的後勤保障。期待與您再相聚,祝您身體健康,夢想成真! 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人您好,十分感謝您的用心分享。酒店位於聊城經濟技術開發區主幹道東昌路上,毗鄰榮富中心,當代國際大廈,聊城國際金融中心,聊城大學(東校區),聊城中心醫院。周邊交通便利,可以輕鬆駕車抵達聊城火車站,聊城西站。酒店周邊景點眾多,包括聊城東昌湖景區、光岳樓、山陝會館、摩天輪歡樂城、九州窪月季公園等。在服務方面,小智用心聆聽客人的心聲,“您最關心的,也是我們心之所向”始終貫穿服務全程,為客人奉上貼心周到,快捷高效的服務。簡單又温馨的酒店,沒有不必要的繁瑣體驗,供您休息、放鬆或稍事工作。歡迎您下次再來哦,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊