Orange Hotel (Lanzhou West Railway Station Zhongtianjian Plaza) anmeldelser
Orange Hotel (Lanzhou West Railway Station Zhongtianjian Plaza)
Building 3, Zhongtianjian Plaza, No.194 Xijin West Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou, Gansu, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
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1075 anmeldelse
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Overnattede i aug. 2024
10 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 19. sep. 2024
It's not a normal hotel. It occupies two floors of a building complex shared with other owners/users where the entrances are complicated by the few lifts in the building. Hotel reception is on 2nd floor. Behind the hotel building is a wide pedestrian walkway, non accessible to cars filled with many local eateries, plus Burger King and Starbucks.There're also many game stalls and kiddy rides for family entertainment.
The room is rather comfortable and clean, except the lights switches are confusing to use. Hotel is near to the Lanzhou West Railway Station and the taxi fare is RMB10.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for staying at our hotel and leaving your valuable comments and suggestions. We will continuously strive to improve our service quality and guest experience, looking forward to providing you with even more satisfactory service during your next stay. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Wish you a happy life!
Anonym bruger
Overnattede i nov. 2023
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 20. feb. 2024
Great location within walking distance of the largest shopping mall in Lanzhou. Staff were extremely helpful and recommended for us to visit the Lanzhou Museum which we thoroughly enjoyed. Breakfast at the hotel is superb with a wide selection of Chinese cuisine and Western food. Hotel also provides cute kid-sized slippers and welcome drinks/snacks. Loft room is good for families, only drawback is the lower floor was colder and should have its own heater, and there should also be a setting to turn on all the room lights fully so the room is brighter.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for choosing our store. We are very honored to serve you. The hotel has prepared a variety of rooms with different layouts for different guests to choose from. I hope our sincere service will bring you a more pleasant experience. General Manager: Zhang Zihui
Business værelse (2 senge)
Overnattede i okt. 2023
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 7. dec. 2023
Breakfast is good. Room lights can be voice controlled. Beds are clean.
But design of the room:
Look at the shower room transparent door facing the entrance- this is my first time seeing such design flop. And the other toilet which does not have water pipe to clean the floor- the housekeeper has to use the drinking flask to pour water on the floor.
Plus the reception asked to write review on my behalf - dishonesty.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店的選擇,很抱歉給您帶來了不好的入住體驗,您在入住過程中有任何針對服務、衞生、環境、設施方面不滿意的地方可隨時反饋前台,我們將會給您最滿意的處理,感謝您的入住及點評,祝您生活愉快!總經理:張紫慧
Tal A.
Business værelse (2 senge)
Overnattede i sep. 2023
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 15. okt. 2023
Great location, close to the train station and to many restaurants. The room is comfortable and modern. Very cool lighting options in the room.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests! Thank you for your comments about our hotel, your affirmation is the biggest driving force for our work, clean environment, warm service, is our duty of work, we will continue to work hard and strive for better. All the staff of Zhongtianjian Plaza Hotel in Orange Lanzhou West Railway Station look forward to your next stay, and wish you good health, happiness and well-being! General Manager: Zhang Zihui
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!看到您的點評,真的是暖到心窩裡了,都説我們的服務是最貼心的,現在卻發現您的肯定比之暖心N倍,謝謝您毫不吝嗇的誇讚,這將是我們繼續往前沖的動力,歡迎您下次繼續光臨咱家。舒適温馨的住宿環境、豐富營養的餐廳、為您提供回家意義的旅行,桔子蘭州西客站酒店酒店期待着每一次與您的邂逅,總經理:張紫慧
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對我們酒店的寶貴反饋。對於您提到的隔音效果不佳問題,我們深感抱歉,這確實影響了您的住宿體驗。理解您的困擾我們明白,一個安靜的睡眠環境對於您的休息至關重要。您提到的雙層玻璃雖然隔絕了外界噪音,但房間內部隔音卻未能達標,這給您帶來了極大的不便。針對您反饋的問題,我們已經着手進行改進。我們將對隔音設施進行全面檢查,並儘快採取相應措施,以確保每位客人都能享受到安靜舒適的住宿環境。再次感謝您的反饋,我們非常重視每一位客人的意見和建議。希望您在下次入住時,能夠感受到我們酒店服務的改進和提升。如有任何其他問題隨時聯繫我們,我們將竭誠為您服務。
Overnattede i dec. 2024
13 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. jan. 2025
確實是相當不錯的酒店!早餐也非常好!👌 前台服務也非常專業!值得推薦
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您對小桔的支持與厚愛,茫茫人海就偏偏與您相遇,不得不説這是一種緣分,所以緣分這東西可遇不可求。遇見了就是一生,感謝您成為桔粉,桔子酒店。始於酒店。不止於酒店,不忘初心,方得始終!,希望有您路過的城市都有一家桔子,能讓您有個温暖港灣。總經理:張紫慧
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊貴的客人,您的滿意笑容是我們最大的獎賞。感謝您在攜程分享您的美好體驗,這不僅讓更多人瞭解了我們,也為我們帶來了更多的朋友。期待不久的將來,您能再次光臨,與我們共度美好時光。同時,也歡迎您隨時推薦給我們的親朋好友,讓我們一起傳遞這份温暖與美好!總經理:張紫慧
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您對我們酒店的積極評價!我們很高興聽到您對我們的房間、設施、服務以及小度智能設備的滿意度都很高。您的肯定是我們不斷前進的動力,我們會繼續努力,確保每一位客人都能享受到舒適、便捷和貼心的服務。關於您提到的酒店位置,我們確實位於瓜州街附近,周邊餐飲娛樂設施齊全,方便您品嚐當地美食和享受夜生活。同時,地下免費停車場也為您的出行提供了極大的便利。此外,酒店距離黃河和甘肅省博物館都很近,步行即可到達,讓您在旅途中也能輕鬆遊覽這些知名景點。再次感謝您的寶貴意見和支持,我們期待您下次光臨,繼續為您提供優質的服務和體驗!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!看到您的點評,真的是暖到心窩裡了,都説我們的服務是最貼心的,現在卻發現您的肯定比之暖心N倍,謝謝您毫不吝嗇的誇讚,這將是我們繼續往前沖的動力,歡迎您下次繼續光臨咱家。舒適温馨的住宿環境、豐富營養的餐廳、為您提供回家意義的旅行,桔子蘭州西客站酒店酒店期待着每一次與您的邂逅,總經理:張紫慧