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Gabriel CH
Standard hjørneværelse med kingsize-seng og gratis loungeadgang
Overnattede i sep. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 13. okt. 2024
The hotel itself is absolutely amazing, beautiful architecture and killer view. Very dedicated and hospitable staff. Love the experience here.
Just one thing that when it came to catering services, it still needs improvement. Every time we had breakfast, seemed there were not enough manpower to care for every table, the food took long to serve and one time there was no appetizers until we reminded the staff.
Also when we asked for rooftop bar availability, the front desk staff told us it was fully booked tonight and need reservation. But when we asked the bar directly, there were still plenty of tables open to guests. Think the hotel should improve the hospitality management on this part.
But it’s overall a fantastic experience. Will definitely recommend and revisit.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear Gabriel CHThank you very much for choosing to stay at The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu. We are sincerely grateful for your kind words regarding our hotel as a whole.It is a true honor to hear that you enjoyed the architectural beauty and stunning views of our hotel and that you were pleased with the service provided by our staff. Our hotel, set in the historic former Kiyomizu Elementary School building, places great importance on harmonizing tradition with modernity to offer a truly special experience. Your positive feedback about your “very satisfying stay” serves as the greatest encouragement for our entire team.On the other hand, we sincerely apologize for the inconveniences caused regarding our breakfast service and rooftop guidance. We regret the delays in breakfast service, the occasional omissions in some dishes, and any inconsistencies in the information provided about rooftop bar reservations. We are promptly reviewing our service flow and internal coordination to ensure that such inconveniences do not occur in the future.We will continue to strive to provide our guests with a comfortable and enjoyable experience, aiming to enhance our services to ensure even greater satisfaction. All of our staff sincerely look forward to welcoming you again.The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto KiyomizuHotel Manager
Anonym bruger
Deluxe 2-personersværelse med gratis adgang til lounge
Overnattede i okt. 2024
8 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. jan. 2025
nice hotel
Standard kingsize-seng med gratis loungeadgang
Overnattede i okt. 2023
Rejs med venner
47 anmeldelse
Slået op den 6. nov. 2023
Truly remarkable! The roof bar with a view of both Kyoto Tower and Kiyomizu Temple is absolutely mesmerizing. Coupled with impeccable facilities and service, highly recommended!
Standard kingsize-seng med gratis loungeadgang
Overnattede i jun. 2023
11 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. aug. 2023
TV does not have youtube or netflix app which is surprising for a hotel of this grade and price it is asking.
Vivi Yannie
Premium Twin Værelse Pagoda Udsigt med Gratis Lounge Adgang
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear Guest非常感謝您選擇入住京都清水青龍酒店,並抽出寶貴時間分享您的意見。得知您通過朋友的推薦選擇了我們酒店,並對您的入住感到滿意,這對我們來説是莫大的喜悦。您對於酒店的環境和地理位置的讚譽,我們深感榮幸。本酒店位於京都市中心,距離清水寺僅步行五分鐘,地理位置非常便利。不僅適合觀光和散步,還能享受遠離喧囂的靜謐與愜意。此外,東山和八阪塔等美麗景緻也近在咫尺,讓您盡享京都獨特的優雅時光。同時,非常感謝您對酒店服務、設施以及床品的滿意評價。您的肯定是我們全體員工不斷提升服務質量的動力。我們也衷心感謝您關於早餐方面的寶貴意見。關於等待時間和分量調整的問題,我們會在內部進行溝通,並將探討進行改善。期待您下次入住時,能享受到更加滿意的早餐體驗。另外,酒店還為住客提供了專屬的“貴賓休息室”和舒適的私人浴室等設施。希望您在下次入住時,可以體驗這些服務,享受更加特別的入住時光。衷心期待您的再次光臨,我們全體員工將竭誠為您服務。京都清水青龍酒店酒店經理
Anonym bruger
Superior kingsize-seng værelse med gratis loungeadgang
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear Guest感謝您本次選擇入住我們京都清水青龍酒店,我們深表感謝,得知您在此度過了舒適的時光,酒店全體員工深感榮幸,並由衷感謝您的好評。特別是關於客房的隔音效果、精美內裝、夜床服務,以及免費迷你吧等方面獲得您的滿意評價,我們倍感鼓舞。能夠為您提供安靜而舒適滿意的住宿體驗,是我們莫大的欣慰與喜悦。關於貴賓休息室的品類,我們將進一步豐富菜單,力求為您提供更為多樣化的選擇。此外,對於您對早餐的意見,我們真誠地接受,並將重新審視早餐的菜單及其提供方式,進一步改善我們的品質,以期在您下次光臨時,為您帶來更加滿意的用餐體驗。同時,得知您對酒店方便前往清水寺及二年阪、三年阪等的優越地理位置感到滿意,我們深感欣喜。能通過酒店的地理優勢,協助您盡情感受京都的獨特魅力,是我們的榮幸。今後,我們將繼續致力於提升服務品質,為每位賓客提供更加滿意的住宿體驗。衷心期待您再次選擇我們京都清水青龍酒店,並感謝您一如既往的支持與厚愛。京都清水青龍酒店酒店經理
Standard hjørneværelse med kingsize-seng og gratis loungeadgang
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您本次選擇入住我們京都清水青龍酒店。酒店全體員工恭祝您生日快樂!我們懷着喜悦的心情讀着您的留言,也非常感謝您對我們酒店位置的誇獎。本酒店的附近坐落着很多有名的觀光聖地以及各種史蹟,如法觀寺“八阪塔”和清水寺等,是您京都市內觀光的最佳選擇。正如您所説,我們酒店鄰近清水寺等旅遊景點,而踏進酒店即可享受您的私人寧靜空間,供您盡情享受放鬆休憩的時光。很高興看到您對我們的貴賓休息室感到滿意。我們努力為您打造能欣賞四季自然和京都風景的專屬奢華空間。在這裏您可以享用現磨咖啡、京都清水的名點心和當地名酒等各種美味。每週四16:15至16:45我們也會舉辦舞*活動,您可以欣賞到日本獨特的舞*表演,還可合影留念哦。另外,每週五16:30至17:00也有現場音樂演奏,下次歡迎您來參加。另外,也非常感謝您對迷你吧和早餐的好評,以及對我們員工的建議。我們將繼續致力於提高全體員工的英語能力和服務水平。今後我們會繼續提供令您滿意的服務,希望您在下次京都旅行中再次選擇本酒店。衷心期待您的再次光臨。京都清水青龍酒店酒店經理