For at sikre autenticiteten af de viste bedømmelser, beregner vi ikke blot et gennemsnit. I stedet tager vi hensyn til anmeldelsens troværdighed og datoen for gæstens ophold for at fastlægge den endelige vurdering.
Svar fra overnatningssted: We are delighted that you have chosen our hotel from amongst many others and that you have given us a high score in all respects. We know that late check-ins can be a bit of a worry for our guests, so we do our best to make it as easy as possible for them to find us. We are relieved to hear that you had a smooth check-in. We are glad to hear that you liked the amenities we have selected for you, as we want to provide you with the best. Thank you very much for your detailed description of the cleanliness, smell and comfort. We are sorry for the inconvenience of opening and closing the windows, as they face the road and we have to control them for your safety. As you wrote, we have placed air purifiers in the rooms and burn special incense in the lobby. We are very touched that you have taken the time to notice these little details. If you ever come to Kyoto again, we would be delighted to welcome you back.Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin Otoshi
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for choosing us and giving us a perfect 5/5 rating. We are very pleased to hear your compliments about our rooms and that your stay with us exceeded your expectations.It is an 8-minute walk from the nearest subway station, Karasuma, and a 5-minute walk from the bus stop, Shijo Nishinotoin Station, so if use the bus and subway, it would be easier to go sightseeing as you wrote.Thank you for writing about hygiene.We will continue to take care for the comfort of our guests in terms of hygiene. It is very encouraging for our staff and we are very grateful to hear that you had a relaxing stay.We look forward to welcoming you back for another exceptional stay.Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您入住 Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin。我們很高興您給予我們很高的評價,並對您的房間感到滿意。 我們希望您和家人在榻榻米房間裏度過一個輕鬆愉快的夜晚。 我們希望您能通過榻榻米體驗到一點日本風情。 酒店門前有一家燒肉餐廳,步行 5 分鐘即可到達許多餐廳,希望您能再次光臨。 希望您再次光臨我們的酒店。Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin Aya
Overnattede i dec. 2024
Rejs med venner
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 12. feb. 2025
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您在眾多酒店中選擇了我們的酒店。我們也非常感謝您花時間寫下高度正面的評語。正如您所提到的,我們的客房寬敞、裝潢優雅,融合了京都獨有的日式和西式裝潢。我們將繼續努力,確保您在住宿期間感到滿意,包括我們服務的成本效益。當您到訪京都時,請再次光臨本賓館。我們期待您的光臨。Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin ,Otoshi
Overnattede i sep. 2024
17 anmeldelse
Slået op den 25. okt. 2024
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您入住 Rinn 四條西之院酒店。感謝您對我們的房間和設施的稱讚。在內部裝修方面,我們將努力保持乾淨整潔,為客人提供舒適的環境。酒店的優勢在於距離市中心稍遠,所以這裏並不繁華,而且正如您所説,這裏很安靜,可以讓您放鬆身心,享受住宿。如果您還有機會,我們期待再次見到您。Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin Aya
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for staying at Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin.We are very pleased to hear that you had a comfortable stay in our room. Our hotel is located a 10-minute walk from Shijo Station, and there are many stores and sightseeing spots in the area.We hope you will visit Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin again when you come to Kyoto. We look forward to serving you again. Rinn Shijo Nishinotoin