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Discount Standard Room
Overnattede i dec. 2023
Rejs med venner
17 anmeldelse
Slået op den 6. feb. 2024
A good hotel in terms of price and quality. The room was not cleaned well enough, the carpet and windows need to be cleaned. The furniture is old and some things need to be replaced. There was no air conditioning in the room, we were immediately warned by a nice girl in the lobby. I was pleased with the heated mattresses. The location of the hotel is convenient and there is free parking for cars.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Distinguished Guests: Hello! Thank you for choosing Cloud Grain Hotel, we are very happy that you have a pleasant stay in the hotel experience, thank you for your support and trust to the hotel, and thank you for your valuable suggestions to the hotel, we will continue to work hard, provide you with a more comfortable and warm stay experience. Looking forward to your visit and patronage again!
Discount Standard Room
Overnattede i jun. 2024
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. jul. 2024
a hotel close to subway station, easy to get around, there are lots of restaurants outside. so you can have breakfast either in the hotel or outside. a complimentary water dispenser is provided in every room.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, Hello! Thank you for staying at the Cloud Food Hotel and giving you full marks. The most important thing when you go out is to have a comfortable stay. I am very happy to be able to let you have a comfortable and secure stay. The Cloud Food Hotel has a superior geographical location and complete supporting facilities, all in order to let you feel the warmth of home, enjoy the quality of life, our efforts, only for your satisfaction, looking forward to your next visit! I wish you good work and good health!
Overnattede i feb. 2024
47 anmeldelse
Slået op den 23. mar. 2024
Wouldn't recommend...they charged me for toilet paper that they themselves put in the bathroom...why would you charge people for something that you have to provide lol
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests, thank you for your comments on the hotel! We deeply regret your experience during your stay in the hotel. Your valuable advice is very important to us, we will inform the relevant departments to improve the quality of service. If you come here next time, I hope you can book this hotel again, give us a chance to apologize. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Arvin V
Overnattede i feb. 2024
10 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. mar. 2024
Very convenient to walking street, subway, and the airport is only 45 by subway as well.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Dear guests hello, thank you very much for choosing Cloud Food Hotel and your stay to share, the most happy thing is to see your praise, meet you really happy, I hope to meet you every day!
Discount Standard Room
Overnattede i aug. 2023
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 18. sep. 2023
will not come back again. the stay is not comfortable. it is an old hotel although location is quite good
Svar fra overnatningssted: Esteemed customer! Our goal is to provide guests with a comfortable environment and the best service. Thank you for your valuable advice, which will help us to continuously improve and maintain the high standard of service and facilities, make Our Service Day by day perfect, welcome you to visit again.
Zayar PHYO
Discount Standard Room
Overnattede i mar. 2022
6 anmeldelse
Slået op den 17. apr. 2022
This hotel is very close to Metro station and very convenient to take metro.The hotel provided drinking water 11.2 L bottle that is very satisfied to us!We are staying in this hotel ( 4 nights 5 days).During COVid 19 prevention and control period, we understand the hotel ‘s strict conditions.
Hope next time again in Kunming!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Distinguished guests,Hello! Thank you for your trust in Xiaoliang! Thank you for your generous praise!We will make more efforts to create a Five-star Standard, looking forward to the next trip, we can create a more perfect service for you.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您選擇雲糧大酒店!此次入住沒能得到您的滿意,我們深表歉意。希望有機會與您有更多的溝通與交流,我們會加強前台員工的服務意識培訓。我們會細緻的做好每一個服務環節,不辜負您對酒店寄予的厚望!希望雲糧大酒店能夠成為您在昆明地方的家!我們衷心的期待着您的再次光臨!謝謝!^_^
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您的入住和詳細點評。正是如您一樣的客人對我們的不斷關心和督促,才能使我們不斷發現工作中的問題,獲得改正和不斷進步。從您的點評中,我們很遺憾的看到此次入住未能達到您的期望,給您帶來的不便我們表示 歉意。酒店管理層非常重視,並已經做了及時的整改,您的寬容和理解是對我們工作的鼓舞和支持!真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您選擇雲糧大酒店!此次入住沒能得到您的滿意,我們深表歉意。希望有機會與您有更多的溝通與交流,給我們提出更多寶貴建議。我們會細緻的做好每一個服務環節,不辜負您對酒店寄予的厚望!希望雲糧大酒店能夠成為您在昆明地方的家!我們衷心的期待着您的再次光臨!謝謝!^_^
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您的入住和詳細點評。正是如您一樣的客人對我們的不斷關心和督促,才能使我們不斷發現工作中的問題,獲得改正和不斷進步。給您帶來的不便我們表示歉意。如過您對房間不滿意,可以聯繫總枱,我們會及時為您換房。您的寬容和理解是對我們工作的鼓舞和支持!真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您的入住和詳細點評。正是如您一樣的客人對我們的不斷關心和督促,才能使我們不斷發現工作中的問題,獲得改正和不斷進步。給您帶來的不便我們表示歉意。您所訂的客房是不帶空調的,如您需要空調房下次可以選擇我們的行政客房~您的寬容和理解是對我們工作的鼓舞和支持!真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您入住雲糧大酒店並給予滿分點評,出門在外最重要的就是住得舒心,很高興能讓您住得舒適與安心,雲糧大酒店優越的地理位置,完善的配套設施,都是為了讓您感受家的温馨,享受品質的生活,我們的努力,衹為您的滿意,期待您的下次光臨!祝您工作順利,身體健康!