19. september 2022
First after arriving everything looked fine. But at night we relized a headache causing smell of paint. Sleep was short, we, the whole family, spent most of the time at night outside to mitigate headaches. When we were explaining the situation, the answer of the Destination Manager after some discussion was: Truely there was some painting 3 months ago, but we can do nothing for you and you can open a request at the complaint point. By the way all of our neighbours also had open doors and windows during the whole day, what we understand now. After doing so, the answer turned to: The reason for is the Swedish Forest Agency -- what doesn't make sense, because outside the air was much better than inside the cottage. After pointing out that this does not fit to the explaination we got at the camp site, they insisted that the Destination Manager did also explained the smell with the Swedish Forest Agency. All in all: We left after one night and didn't get any compensation for the remaining 4 nights. We would not recommend to go there because clients are not taken serious at all.