1104−5, Yawatano, Ito, Shizuoka, Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 413-0232, JapanVis hoteloplysninger
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Superior Twin(Med brusekabine)(Ikke-ryger)
Overnattede i jan. 2025
9 anmeldelse
Slået op den 27. feb. 2025
Staff is friendly hv free shuttle to izu kogen station
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。希望您在我們這裏度過一個輕鬆愉快的夜晚。您可以乘坐前往伊豆高原站的免費班車,然後乘坐 15 分鐘的出租車前往大室山和城崎海岸吊橋等著名旅遊景點。我們希望您在一天的觀光之後,能夠品嚐到我們精心烹製的時令菜餚和海濱特色的硫酸鹽温泉浴,讓您的身心煥然一新。我們將繼續努力為您創造一個可以放鬆身心的空間,並期待您的再次光臨。 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Suite(Med åbent-luft bad)(Ikke-ryger)
Overnattede i okt. 2024
8 anmeldelse
Slået op den 16. jan. 2025
We had a great room with an outdoor bath and great view. The food was nice, the stuff was nice. The “late-night-noodles” thingy was also fun.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for choosing Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen.We are very pleased to hear that you had a relaxing stay with us.The rooms with open-air baths have been prepared so that you can bathe immediately after your arrival and enjoy your stay in a private space.You can relax your body and mind while enjoying the view of the sea.You can also enjoy an extraordinary moment on the terrace with a drink from the lounge.The nightly special of tantanmen (noodle soup) is also very popular, with a different flavour every month.The red tantanmen is also available at the shop, so please be sure to try it.Please come again to enjoy our seasonal dishes using Izu fish and local products, as well as the different landscapes of Izu.We look forward to welcoming you again.Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen
Ku Chon
Luksus Suite med Udendørs Badekar-Ikke Ryger
Overnattede i jun. 2024
7 anmeldelse
Slået op den 28. jul. 2024
drive a car to there more better
3 beds room with outside bath is bigger area for a family of 4 people
sea view, food for dinner and breakfast both very good, staffs all polite and helpful
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen in the past.We hope you were able to relax and enjoy your stay.We hope you can enjoy the view from your room or relax on the water terrace. We would be happy if you could enjoy a trip to Japan where you can enjoy the seasonal ingredients of Japan while enjoying the view of the sea and heal your daily fatigue. We look forward to seeing you again.Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen
Premium twin(Med udendørs bad & terrasse)(Ikke ryger)
Overnattede i apr. 2024
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 24. maj 2024
The hotel is great and room is big for our family of 3 adults. All the facilities are good and the food is good (both dinner and breakfast). The only compliant that I have is that the in room onsan does not work. The temperature wasn't hot enough the first night. When we wanted to try in the morning, the water is even cooler. The front desk agreed to have it checked, but at the time we check out at 10 a.m. it is still not hot enough. In all, we have been chraged for the in room onsan which does not really work.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you for using Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen.We are very sorry that you were not satisfied with the hot spring in your room. Please feel free to contact us regarding temperature settings as we will do our best to assist you.We look forward to seeing you again.Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen
Superior Twin(Med brusekabine)(Ikke-ryger)
Overnattede i nov. 2024
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 25. dec. 2024
Overall the experience was very good.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for choosing Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen.We are very pleased to hear that you had a very good experience and that you enjoyed your stay.In our lounge, we have prepared winter special hot cocoa and cocktails, and you can relax on the water basin terrace with a drink in your hand.We also have blankets available for you to borrow, so we hope you can enjoy an extraordinary moment under the stars and moonlight.After dinner, we serve tantanmen (noodle soup) for the evening meal, which changes in flavour from month to month and is very popular with our guests.We will continue to strive to create a hotel where everyone feels they have had a good trip.We look forward to serving you with our seasonal dishes and we look forward to welcoming you back again.Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen
Atina lo
Premium twin(Med udendørs bad & terrasse)(Ikke ryger)
Overnattede i mar. 2024
Rejs med venner
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 13. maj 2024
Very nice
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for using Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen.Thank you for your high evaluation.We will continue to maintain a hotel that satisfies our customers.If you have a chance, please use us again.We'll be expecting you.Kamenoi Hotel Izukogen
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。我們很高興聽到您對住宿感到滿意。我們還要再次感謝您上傳了精彩的住宿照片。在酒店大堂,您可以將伊豆海和七個島嶼盡收眼底;在露天水上平台,您可以一邊感受伊豆的海風,一邊享受非凡的時光。 您一定要盡情欣賞這千變萬化的美景。晚餐是輕鬆的日式懷石料理,早餐是豐富的日式/西式自助餐,邊吃邊欣賞在晨曦中閃閃發光的大海。 晚上的擔擔麪非常受歡迎,每個月都能品嚐到不同口味的擔擔麪。 此外,我們還提供最適合作為紀念品的紅擔擔麪。請再次光臨伊豆,這裏擁有得天獨厚的自然環境和食材,四季皆宜,美不勝收。我們期待您的再次光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。我們很高興聽到您享受您的住宿。您可以在眺望大海和伊豆群島的水坂露台上,手持一杯飲料,盡情放鬆。我們相信,舒緩身心的硫磺鹽溫泉,以及在我們擁有絕佳景色的休息室中以當地食材烹調的餐點,都能讓您在漫長的旅途之後放鬆心情。賓客也可搭乘巴士或計程車前往觀光景點,前往伊豆高原車站的接駁巴士也是免費的。希望您能喜歡我們的季節風景和美食,並期待您的再次光臨。我們期待您的光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。我們很高興聽到您在我們這裏度過了一段輕鬆愉快的時光。所有客房均可觀賞海景,您可以從露天大堂、温泉和餐廳眺望大海,還可以在大堂的露台上小酌一杯,放鬆身心。我們希望您能在月圓之夜,看着晨曦中閃耀的海面、繁星點點的星空或漂浮在海面上的月光之路,度過一個優雅的時刻。 每週的某些日子,我們會在露台上舉辦晨間瑜伽課程,如果您能加入我們,我們將非常高興。我們期待着您在不同的季節再次光臨,享受四季不同的美景和美食。我們期待您的再次光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。我們很高興聽到您對入住期間的景觀和食物感到滿意。酒店坐落在離海不遠的山上,雖然聽不到海浪聲,但視野非常開闊,您可以在大自然的環抱中安靜地休息。温泉浴池裡人不多,希望您能在忙碌一天後放鬆身心,恢復精神。從伊豆高原站出發,我們提供三趟免費班車,您可以將行李寄存在車站,方便前往,也可以乘坐當地巴士或出租車前往熱門旅遊景點。我們期待您再次光臨伊豆高原,在這裏,您可以在四季中發現新的精彩體驗。我們期待您的再次光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您選擇我們的飯店。我們很高興聽到您在本賓館渡過了一個輕鬆愉快的住宿時光。本飯店位於山丘上,景色優美,您可以在露台上一邊眺望大海和伊豆七島,一邊忘卻時間,享受非凡的時光。在大自然環繞的寧靜環境中,賓客可以享用由多種季節性食材製作而成的料理。晚上可以在輕鬆的氣氛中享用懷石料理,早餐則是日式西式自助餐。賓客可以一邊在晨曦中眺望波光粼粼的大海,一邊製作並享用自己獨創的早餐餐盤。水療和三溫暖可供男女賓客在忙碌的一天後煥發精神。我們期待您再次光臨,享受四季的變化。我們也推薦櫻花盛開的季節。我們衷心期待您的再次光臨。伊豆高原龜之井飯店
Premium twin(Med udendørs bad & terrasse)(Ikke ryger)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。我們很高興聽到您對住宿期間的用餐感到滿意。伊豆擁有豐富的大自然和食材,您可以盡情享受我們的季節菜餚和不同的風景。距離「城崎海岸吊橋」、「沙保天公園」、「大室山」等受歡迎的驚悚觀光景點僅 10 至 15 分鐘車程,在櫻花盛開的季節也是賞櫻的好去處。希望您來伊豆時能再次光臨。我們期待您的再次光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。
Svar fra overnatningssted: 非常感謝您選擇 Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。本飯店位於離海不遠的小山上,您可以在此眺望大海和伊豆群島,享受寧靜舒適的住宿環境。從伊豆高原車站可搭乘接駁巴士。開車 15 分鐘即可抵達觀光名勝,交通便利,深受旅客喜愛。請再次光臨,品嚐四季美食,欣賞不同季節的風景。員工期待您的光臨。Kamenoi Hotel Izu Kogen。