Location: F&B are located close by. There is noodles soups available for breakfast along RenHe Road (仁和路), RenHe road is right where this apartment is located. The name of this project is DongFanJinZuo (东方金座)
Cleanliness :Though there are signs of age, but the place is very clean.
Service : I did not request for any further service after check in, the only service I received was from level 5 - ok, not bad, quite nice.
Facilities : No comment as I only stayed for a night, did not check or use any facilities here.
CHECK IN PROCEDURE: 1) Register at the lobby, the staff will send you to level 5 for official check in via the lift card. 2) Check in was fast, within 10mins all done. 3) use the lift card
REMARK: 1) after we got the keys, we went to our room at level 16, the corridor is dimly lit. 2)there is no bedroom slipper found in the room, luckily, I bought mine along.
If you are here only to sleep, not expect any 5 stars service then this is fine to stay.