18. december 2024
I went again to spend a week at Dorado Beach, as I have done every year since 2013, usually first week in December. It was a bit disapointing last year (and a couple of other times), but this year it was a disaster. First and formost because of the room they gave me: On the first floor, in a corner, with no view at all, except a wall, a treetop and the backside of an elevator. I had never payed as much for a week before, 2000 Euro + 200 for transportation an hotel before departure. And I payed for a 2-room, to be sure to get the view I wanted: towards the pool, as most if nok all 2-rooms in this hotel do. As it was for me only (friends had their own), I could have taken a 1-room flat. Cheaper and big enough, but I know they turn the other way, towards trafic and a glimps of the sea. I ran to reception the minute I saw what they had given me. "That room could not be for guests paying full prize"? And the reception had joked about all guests travelling with out comapny (Ving) would get pool-view, since I told them what I was longing for, before the 4 hours we had to wait. Didn't get the room before 16/4 o'clock. Complaints did not help. The two in the reception on the contrary got rude and angry. You did not pay for any view they told me, nasty people. And the hotel is full. No it was not. There were few people on the sunbeds and in the restaurants, every day! Even with nice friends around, my mood was at the bottom all week. I did not help with small insects crawling in the bathroom, and on the nightstand table. And it did not help getting food-poisoning, and spending 24 hours in the toilet, and ill feeling dobel up the rest of the stay. I meet friends, every time I go there, after all these years. But how could I ever go back to this hotel?