1695 Mazenishimura, Gero City, Gifu Prefecture, 509-2615, JapanVis hoteloplysninger
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Standardværelse i japansk stil med bjergudsigt
Overnattede i aug. 2024
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 23. aug. 2024
This is the best onsen hotel we’ve stayed in, among those we’ve stayed in for the past 12 years! We stayed here for 2 nights.
We’ve extremely grateful to the hosts for their outstanding service and hospitality from the heart. Loved the thoughtfully varied menu for each meal.
The establishment is spotlessly clean and excellently maintained. Each morning, our towels and yukata (hotel gowns) were replaced. So were the amenities ( fragrant green tea packs, snacks). The housekeeping staff even offered to mop our rooms after only one night’s stay.
The wifi was also fast and sustained well in the guest room and public lounge areas. There are facilities to cater to a wide range of age groups from seniors like us and children too. There were ample resting chairs in the lounge and on the way to the historian’s well as guest rooms.
The best facility was the hot springs! They are
exactly as depicted in the hotel website. Numerous indoor pools of various temperature all have the renowned ‘beautifying’ odorless alkaline water. My skin felt so smooth and moisturized after only one soak.
What’s more the hot springs stay open for in-house guests from 10.30 am to 11 pm and day-trip visitors from 10.30 am to 8 pm. In-house guests can also use the hotsprings early from 6 to 9 am. There is a European dry sauna as well as wet steam rooms in both make and female hotspring areas.
We would love to stay here again!
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Overnattede i dec. 2023
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 4. jan. 2024
Service is excellent. The meal (Japanese style) is wonderful.
Onsan options is one of the best onsan hotels I have ever stayed.
It may not be convenient if you don't drive as the location is quite remote, but you can enjoy a peaceful environment.
진짜 일본인만 있는 전통료칸형 호텔
전체적으로 넓고 관리 잘된느낌의 호텔
아주 합리적인 가격으로 설산을 구경하면서 조용한 휴양할 수 있음
주차도 무료
아주아주 크고 다양한 천연온천대중탕
남성기준 2개의 고급진 노천탕
조금 떨어져있지만 버스 송영있으므로 부담없음
도로개선이 되어있어 렌트카도 스노우타이어로 충분
아주 넉넉한 조식과 계절에 맞는 가이세키(석식) 제공
조금 오래됬지만 냄새 전혀 안나고 오히려 분위기 있어서 좋았음
작지만 지역기념품과 선물품이 구비
저렴한 가격에 맞지 않게 좋은 시설입니다. 프론트 직원 역시 친절하였고 저녁과 아침을 제공하는데 맛있게 먹었습니다.
대중교통을 이용해서 오기에는 불편합니다.
히다하기와라역에서 셔틀 버스가 있지만 하루 전 전화를 통해 미리 예약을 해야해서 외국인이 이용하기는 불편할 수 있습니다.