22. oktober 2024
Yes, it’s a big statement. But having travelled quite extensively and stayed in some great locations and Hotels, I feel somewhat qualified. We enjoyed 4 nights in a Deluxe suite which was exceptionally comfortable, spacious, quality amenities and extremely well appointed. We arrived late due to flight cancellation which got us to the Hotel after midnight. Cedric checked us in without delay. Once in our room, we found a beautiful balloon display, champagne on ice along with chocolates and fruit - and a personal message wishing us ‘Happy Anniversary’. Wow! The lift deserves mention. To operate you simply tap your room card to call the lift. You are immediately told which lift is coming for you. The lift then takes you to your floor – there are simply no floor buttons and it works seamlessly. Other staff that pampered us and made our stay so memorable – Raphael at breakfast, Max and Celine at dinner, along with Jennifer - Maître d’, and the sensational Thomas - Sommelière, who gave us help choosing, and shared his knowledge of wines.