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Leisure Enjoyment Detached 3-Bedroom 5-Bed Villa With Private Tub, Outdoor Pavilion, Mahjong, KTV, Cooking Allowed
Overnattede i jun. 2022
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 8. jul. 2022
Nice place away from the city and noise. The buttler was nice, spoke English and the service was fast. They answered my questions before booking the room. The kitchen was complete and yard well kept.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Hello! Thank you for choosing our Hotel, we are very happy that you have a pleasant stay in the hotel. Thanks for your support and trust in the hotel, and also thank you for your valuable suggestions to the hotel. We will continue to work hard , to provide you with a more comfortable and warm stay experience. By the way, your puppy is so cute!!! Looking forward to your visit again!
Xinxiang Heron Melody Detached 4-Bedroom 6-Bed Villa With Super Garden, Temperature-Controlled Tub, Tea Brewing Fireplace, KTV, Mahjong, Cooking Allowed
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您的入住以及好評!關於您提及泡池問題,因為是3米×3米大泡池,所以正常放滿需要2小時左右,“幻享“是新別墅户型,對外後一直深受客户們的喜歡!關於您講的室外院子衞生,我們真的非常重視這個問題,日後定會加強把關入住前衞生!同時也感謝您對我們管家工作的認可,最後,我們會在您的入住感受上,將會對別墅細節進行調整,再次感謝大家的入住,期待大家再次回來度假!願您及家人事事順利,幸福美滿!
Leisure Delight Detached 3-Bedroom 5-Bed Villa For 10 With Private Pool, KTV, Aerial Slide, Automatic Mahjong Machine, Cooking Allowed
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客:您好!感謝您的光臨,同時也真誠感謝您對我們的喜愛和認可,您記住了在麗呈熹玥墅語的美好時光讓我們心裏很感動,讓賓客享有美好入住體驗是我們義不容辭的責任, 能得到您的讚許我們深感榮幸,同時我們也更有動力繼續前行,希望能有更多為您服務的機會!
Leisure Enjoyment Detached 3-Bedroom 5-Bed Villa With Private Tub, Outdoor Pavilion, Mahjong, KTV, Cooking Allowed
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客:您好!感謝您對麗呈熹玥酒店的一見鍾情!美麗的時光,不經意間會邂逅誰的眼眸,文字裏泛舟,此次與您不期而遇,感謝這份緣分,我們會倍加珍惜,同時感謝您對酒店提出的寶貴建議,我們將繼續努力,為您提供更加舒適温馨的入住體驗。期盼與您的下次相見!祝:安好!
Joyful Detached 3-Bedroom 5-Bed Villa With Private Tub, Instagrammable Swing, Mahjong, KTV, Cooking Allowed