12. november 2024
I used to come here twice a year for a long stay (120 days) and it was a real home away from home, unfortunately not anymore. It was a really nice feeling to come and see loving faces telling ‘Welcome back to your second home! ‘YOUR room is ready!’. And I really got accustomed to it, like, buying small little things and leaving in it for other guests until coming back. But there were some unpleasant vibes from one of the managers who now finally took other the guidance. This time the welcoming was very formal, and this very room happened to be occupied, and that is strange since I came in low season, I asked and was promised to move in it when it become available in a few days, maximum about a week. I received a ‘seaview room’ for full price but with very nominal seaview, mostly obstructed by newly-built and very much overpriced cafeteria (which I nevertheless visited wishing to support the hotel). No discount was offered for me as loyal and long-staying customer (which is strange because each and every renting place offers such a discount), I got a small one after very much insisting on it. The hotel was very little occupied, but this very room was mysteriously told to be occupied though it looks like free. After two weeks I found out that the room was indeed empty but this manager refused to give it to me and then gave it to other quests though there were a lot of available empty rooms which were offered to me when I called up to broken promises and unpleasant attitude. She told me that I had to wait before moving (into another room nevertheless) until the ‘linen change day’ which were by the way changed only once during my total 16 days of staying! So this ‘reason’ is offensive if pretext and unpleasant if true (what happens with linen changing for guests staying for a few days?) When I revealed that I am not feeling comfortable staying with such an attitude, she did not show intention to keep me or at least to smooth the situation over. So I left the next day even without finding a new place to stay (which is not the problem by the way, especially in the low season), shocked and literally with tears in my eyes telling farewell to place where I used to feel so comfortable before. If they are so demonstratively not interested in loyal guests who also stay for long time during the off-season, I guess they care about other guests even less. I travelled a lot in my life and have a tendency to get attached to some places, repeatedly returning to them again so I can recognize signs of inevitable decline and there they are. So good-bye Daphne Residence, I gonna miss the place it used to be for me but never the place it became. Such a pity…