Snail Inn

Snail Inn anmeldelser

Snail Inn

No. 58 Laoyingshao Street, Fenghuang, Hunan, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
Snail Inn
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Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i jul. 2024
13 anmeldelse
Slået op den 31. aug. 2024
Beliggenheden er meget god Kun få skridt væk er det mest centrale sted for forestillinger ved floden. Ejerinden er meget entusiastisk, og katten er meget sød. Det er meget livligt om dagen, meget stille, når man sover om natten, og det føles vidunderligt at gå en tur langs floden om morgenen.
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Svar fra overnatningssted: Den gamle bådsmand vil altid blive ved stævnen af ​​båden, uanset regn eller solskin Når nogen krydser, vil han bøje sig let og bruge bambuskablerne med hænderne til at krydse båden over åen. ——Biancheng er meget taknemmelig over for vores venner for at tage sig tid ud af deres travle hverdag for at give butikken femstjernet ros. Væksten i vores butik kan ikke adskilles fra vores venners støtte og opmuntring . Det mest velstående område i den gamle by er Beimen Pier. Det er meget bekvemt at komme ind og ud af området den gamle by Venligst pak så let som muligt, når du besøger den antikke by til Phoenix til enhver tid for at møde syden.
Ink Rhythm Room (One Bedplace) (Male Only)
Overnattede i jul. 2024
14 anmeldelse
Slået op den 2. aug. 2024
Miljøet er lidt enkelt, lokalet er ikke stort og forholdene er gennemsnitlige. Det var acceptabelt, selvom jeg sov et par timer, og jeg havde ikke råd til en cykel til denne pris. Damechefen er stadig meget sød. Der er et separat gebyr for aircondition, men jeg gik i seng efter klokken 12, og det var ikke for varmt.
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Svar fra overnatningssted: Tak, fordi du tog dig tid til at kommentere. Billederne er alle rigtige billeder, og der er ingen svindel. Jeg har også sagt det til dig på forhånd tydeligt fortalt dig, at det er et værelse for en nat eller ej. Der er andre mennesker, der bor sammen på det tidspunkt alene Du kan tjekke ind med dit samtykke. Og nu er prisen 30 yuan i løbet af sommerferien af mig Sengetøjet er skiftet for hver gæst, madrassen og pudekerner rengøres regelmæssigt. Mit hjem er i centrum af den gamle by billeder af mit værelse er rigtige billeder, og priserne er meget samvittighedsfulde. De er tydeligt angivet i introduktionen. Jeg vil også informere dig på forhånd, inden du tjekker ind. Vores vand og elektricitet opkræves trods alt af det offentlige. Hvis du kommer til Fenghuang Ancient City og ikke ved, hvordan du kommer dertil, så husk at kontakte mig hurtigst muligt. Kontaktoplysningerne fremgår tydeligt af introduktionen. Derudover er temperaturen faldet på grund af skyens indflydelse system uden for tyfonen i de sidste par dage Hvis der er en temperaturforskel mellem morgen og aften, kan du Det gør det nemt for alle at falde i søvn efter mørkets frembrud ganske stille og er et roligt sted midt i travlheden. Vi har ofte faste gæster derhjemme, og deres overnatning bliver til to nætter, tre nætter og fem nætter, en uge, en halv måned eller en måned Når jeg ikke har travlt, spiser vi, hænger ud og fisker sammen. Der er også mange venner, der stoler meget på mig. Hver gang de kommer til Phoenix, vælger de mit hjem. Mange tak for din tillid med 1 point 84. Rumhygiejnen ændres efter hver gæst. I et miljø, der ikke er let for alle, vil jeg ikke forenkle trinene. Min eneste hensigt er, at alle kan leve komfortabelt og sikkert. Jeg forstår, at alles behov er forskellige . Jeg håber, at mine venner kan give mig femstjernede anmeldelser. Velkommen til at komme til Fenghuang for at finde mig. Jeg vil møde dig på Southern Girl Youth Hostel i Fenghuang Ancient City.
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i maj 2024
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 22. jun. 2024
Faciliteter: Der er aircondition (ekstra gebyr) Værtinden vil forklare det før check-in. Hygiejne: Ikke dårligt, men der står katte og hunde ved døren til butikken, som lugter lidt, men det er acceptabelt for kæledyrsejere! Du kan kæle katte og hunde gratis! ! ! super flot Service: Damechefen er meget flink Du kan også leje tøj i butikken, og der er rabat for de overnattende gæster. Fantastisk! Makeuppen blev også lavet hjemme hos chefens kone, og det ser også godt ud👍
Oprindelig tekstOversat af Google
Svar fra overnatningssted: Tak fordi du tog dig tid til at skrive en anmeldelse på trods af din travle tid. Alle værelsesbilleder i vores hus er rigtige billeder, og hygiejnen på alle værelser ændres efter hver gæst. Lokalintroduktionen vil også blive markeret, samt kontaktoplysningerne Du er velkommen til at kontakte os på forhånd. Derudover er der en Miao serviceoplevelse i lobbyen på første sal. Velkommen alle til at komme til Fenghuang Ancient City for at finde mig.
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i mar. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 25. apr. 2024
Det er et meget omkostningseffektivt vandrehjem i centrum af det naturskønne sted. Det er ved floden på mindre end et minut. Du kan også gå over træplankebroen til North Gate Pier. Det maleriske gamle bytårn er vidne til Phoenixs fortid. Deres hus har trapper, men den gamle by har trapper, som er enkle og rene. Du kan få en masse hemmelige opskrifter ved at chatte med chefen. Jeg vil helt klart anbefale det til mine venner, næste gang de kommer for at spille. Jeg hørte fra chefen, at de har mange tilbagevendende kunder.
Oprindelig tekstOversat af Google
Svar fra overnatningssted: Mange tak, fordi du tog dig tid til at give butikken en femstjernet anmeldelse Væksten i vores butik kan ikke adskilles fra alles støtte og opmuntring desinficerer hver kunde. Mit hjem er beliggende i det centrale område af Fenghuang Ancient City Scenic Area, der støder op til Tuojiang-floden North Gate Pier The Jumping Rock Plank Bridge og Snebroen er tændt hver nat hver aften Venner, der vil opleve Miao-familiens søster og bror, kan gå i lobbyen på første sal i butikken for at opleve det. Der er dem på begge sider af restauranten, når man skal ud og spise end en time væk. Hvis du kommer med højhastighedstog, så husk at tage shuttlebussen på linje 1 og stå af på Qifeng-pladsen. Hvis du tager Maglev, skal du stå af på den smukkeste Range Rover-station. Hvis du tager en taxa af ved Nanhua Yiyi-porten ved brohovedet til Nanhua-broen lege med mig.
Choon Yong
Yangzhou Slow Big Bed Room
Overnattede i sep. 2024
8 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 17. jan. 2025
It is located along the alley and near the river. The room is big and clean. Comfortable stay. I stayed in level 4, the host helped to carry my luggage.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the store five-star praise, the growth of our store is inseparable from everyone's support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to do every detail, adhere to one customer for one disinfection.My home is located in the center of the ancient city of Phoenix scenic area, adjacent to the Tuojiang River, out of the gate to turn a corner to the river, the other side of the river is the North gate pier, rock jumping plank bridge snow bridge on both sides, every night night lights lit, this side of the tourists are the most, every night at 8 o 'clock there is a free water wedding performance, Friends who want to experience the Miao family A sister A brother can go to the hall on the first floor of the store to experience, have a meal on both sides of the door, less than a minute away. High speed rail friends remember to take the line 1 shuttle bus to Qifeng Square, take the maglev friends to the most beautiful Range Rover station, take a taxi to the South China Bridge bridge South South gate can get off, self-driving partners positioning the Magpie slope parking lot is ok, welcome all over the country friends to Phoenix Ancient City, To meet the southern girl and play with me
Marcela C.
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i aug. 2024
8 anmeldelse
Slået op den 18. sep. 2024
The perfect place to stay in Fenghuang!!! Hostel is just next to the river and 200 mts from famous Yunqiao Bridge. Big dorm with comfortable beds, very nice and clean bed clothes, hairdryer, electric kettle, fan, air conditioner, sleepers, toothbrush, towel, night lamp and plugs. Good hot shower. Shampoo and shower gel were also provided. It's right on the main walking street but in a very quiet place, so at night it is very silent. The hostel is located above a typical dress shop. Best of all is the lady owner, she is so nice, very patient and replied very fast to all my inquiries. Even she let me do a late check out. As it was Mid Autumn's Festival and trains were fully booked, she arranged a carpooling transport to Huaihua for me and walked me to the meeting point. I only have thankful words for her, she helped me so much.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much. Chinese people welcome friends from all over the world to visit China. Our home is located in the center of the ancient city, you can contact me if you need, you can add my wechat in advance, so that it is more convenient to communicate. We insist on one guest for one disinfection, welcome friends to Phoenix Ancient City at any time to play
Nadia D.
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i feb. 2025
5 anmeldelse
Slået op den 9. mar. 2025
The place is nice,, clean and the host is super gentle but is a weird thing that heating is considered as extra and most of all in dorm (?!). At least might be underlined in the hostel details. For two nights was OK though.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for choosing our home, we have detailed in the room introduction of air conditioning additional charges, now the off-season price is very low, the room income can not maintain the daily basic electricity costs and water costs, we no matter what room, the bed is a guest a change a disinfection, not because the price is cheap to ignore the basic health of the room. Our home is located in the core location of the scenic area, access is very convenient, high-speed rail station to the scenic area by bus line 1, to Qifeng Square, and then to the direction of the Hongqiao navigation came to the ancient city of Phoenix night night scenery is very beautiful, remember to take photos at the South China Bridge bridge.
Edith T.
Fairy Queen Bed Room
Overnattede i jul. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 25. aug. 2024
I booked a double room with a queen bed and it turned out to be a perfect room for my stay. Relaxed environment, room was spacious and clean and had everything needed. Above everything else, it felt cozy and home-like. Owner was very friendly and helpful and the location was super. I couldn't ask for more! Thank you for making my stay perfect!
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the store five-star praise, the growth of our store is inseparable from everyone's support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to do every detail, adhere to one customer for one disinfection.My home is located in the center of the ancient city of Phoenix scenic area, adjacent to the Tuojiang River, out of the gate to turn a corner to the river, the other side of the river is the North gate pier, rock jumping plank bridge snow bridge on both sides, every night night lights lit, this side of the tourists are the most, every night at 8 o 'clock there is a free water wedding performance, Friends who want to experience the Miao family A sister A brother can go to the hall on the first floor of the store to experience, have a meal on both sides of the door, less than a minute away. High speed rail friends remember to take the line 1 shuttle bus to Qifeng Square, take the maglev friends to the most beautiful Range Rover station, take a taxi to the South China Bridge bridge South South gate can get off, self-driving partners positioning the Magpie slope parking lot is ok, welcome all over the country friends to Phoenix Ancient City, To meet the southern girl and play with me
Yangzhou Slow Big Bed Room
Overnattede i nov. 2024
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 9. dec. 2024
Lovely location, really kind and helpful host. Only thing that it was quite cold inside.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the store five-star praise, the growth of our store is inseparable from everyone's support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to do every detail, adhere to one customer for one disinfection.​The kettle in the room can be used, the coffee shop milk tea shop is nearby, we are on the river, near the rock jumping, across the river is the North gate pier. Take a taxi to Nanhua Bridge under the bridge, bus remember must be line 1.
Shade Single Room
Overnattede i mar. 2024
19 anmeldelse
Slået op den 26. apr. 2024
Great place in the old city, close enough to the main road getting there is convenient (no cars in this part of town). My room had a view of the old buildings. Great value for money, definitely recommend.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the store five-star praise, the growth of our store is inseparable from everyone's support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to do every detail, adhere to one customer for one disinfection.My home is located in the center of the ancient city of Phoenix scenic area, adjacent to the Tuojiang River, out of the gate to turn a corner to the river, the other side of the river is the North gate pier, rock jumping plank bridge snow bridge on both sides, every night night lights lit, this side of the tourists are the most, every night at 8 o 'clock there is a free water wedding performance, Friends who want to experience the Miao family A sister A brother can go to the hall on the first floor of the store to experience, have a meal on both sides of the door, less than a minute away. High speed rail friends remember to take the line 1 shuttle bus to Qifeng Square, take the maglev friends to the most beautiful Range Rover station, take a taxi to the South China Bridge bridge South South gate can get off, self-driving partners positioning the Magpie slope parking lot is ok, welcome all over the country friends to Phoenix Ancient City, To meet the southern girl and play with me
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i sep. 2024
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 3. okt. 2024
Good location. the toilet was a bit dirty but the bed was clean. A good place if you’re a solo traveler u get to know people and interact with them.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for your trust in our hostel, we insist on a customer for a disinfection, the location in the center of the ancient city, go out and turn a corner to the river, the North Gate Pier on the other side of the river, there are free performances at eight o 'clock every night, access is very convenient, there are restaurants, cafes, small supermarkets, breakfast shops, net red card. Welcome to visit me in the ancient city of Phoenix.
Shade Single Room
Overnattede i aug. 2024
5 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 28. sep. 2024
It is not easy to find the place (also because it is inside a store) but the room is clean and has the essential services that you might need for a short stay.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for your trust in our hostel, we insist on a customer for a disinfection, the location in the center of the ancient city, go out and turn a corner to the river, the North Gate Pier on the other side of the river, there are free performances at eight o 'clock every night, access is very convenient, there are restaurants, cafes, small supermarkets, breakfast shops, net red card. Welcome to visit me in the ancient city of Phoenix.
Aoife Cotter
Yangzhou Slow Big Bed Room
Overnattede i aug. 2024
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 10. sep. 2024
Excellent location! Far enough from the chaos for it to be quiet but still.walking distance. Laundry service on site. The staff were incredibly helpful. Answering each and every question. Highly reccomend.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for your choice, we insist on a guest for a disinfection, our home is located in the center of the ancient city, go out and turn a corner to the river, take pictures of the main attractions, and every night there are free performances, welcome friends from all over the world to Phoenix Ancient city to play
Fairy Queen Bed Room
Overnattede i jul. 2024
Rejs med venner
18 anmeldelse
Slået op den 24. aug. 2024
Initially a bit difficult to find, but just look out for a snail painted on the wall and you will be good. Don't be confused to enter the shop in the ground floor, as the owner of the hostel also keeps a store. After you enter the store, the check-in procedure is quiet fast. The room itself was big and comfy with everything you need.
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to give the store five-star praise, the growth of our store is inseparable from everyone's support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to do every detail, adhere to one customer for one disinfection.My home is located in the center of the ancient city of Phoenix scenic area, adjacent to the Tuojiang River, out of the gate to turn a corner to the river, the other side of the river is the North gate pier, rock jumping plank bridge snow bridge on both sides, every night night lights lit, this side of the tourists are the most, every night at 8 o 'clock there is a free water wedding performance, Friends who want to experience the Miao family A sister A brother can go to the hall on the first floor of the store to experience, have a meal on both sides of the door, less than a minute away. High speed rail friends remember to take the line 1 shuttle bus to Qifeng Square, take the maglev friends to the most beautiful Range Rover station, take a taxi to the South China Bridge bridge South South gate can get off, self-driving partners positioning the Magpie slope parking lot is ok, welcome all over the country friends to Phoenix Ancient City, To meet the southern girl and play with me
Literary Room (One Bedplace) (Female Only)
Overnattede i dec. 2023
12 anmeldelse
Slået op den 12. jan. 2024
If you are traveling in the winter, be aware that there is no heating and it can get quite cold. Also, there was only freezing water to shower with. I didn’t want to make a fuss and didn’t ask how it might be possible to get warm shower water, so there might be something that can be sone there. The bathroom is in the dorm room, which I very much like
Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for choosing our home. Our home is located in the central area of the ancient city. Just take a left turn when you go out and you will arrive at Jumping Rock by the river. Across the river is the North Gate Pier. The water wedding stage that starts at 8 pm every night has been suspended due to recent dredging of the Tuo River, but the lights are open normally every night. There are rooms in the bathroom, and hot water is provided 24 hours a day. When using it, remember to set the faucet to the hot water area and let it run for more time. The hot water in the ancient city comes from the air source on the roof. As long as the water from the roof to the room is drained, it is hot water. After the National Day holiday, we will adjust the automatic water temperature from 52 to 55 degrees to 56 to 59 degrees. The ancient city is backed by mountains and water, and the temperature is lower than that of the city. Friends who come to Phoenix Ancient City to play should remember to bring warm clothes. When you arrive at the store, we will send you a self made guide on WeChat. If you need it, please feel free to contact me as soon as possible。A traveler who is slightly interested in poetry and painting, crouching on a small boat in this small river for a thirty day journey, will not feel bored. It is precisely because there are miracles everywhere, the boldness and delicacy of nature, that every aspect is captivating—— Shen Congwen's "Border Town"