robert s
14. maj 2024
Oh, Domaine des Ormes! Where do I even begin? This campsite is simply divine! Nestled amongst the Breton woodlands, it's like living in a fairy tale, only with better plumbing (and hopefully less grumpy trolls). Now, some might warn you about the "local wildlife." Don't let those pesky travel bloggers with their fancy cameras scare you with tales of bloodthirsty mosquitos. Nonsense! These little critters are more like social butterflies... well, social vampire butterflies perhaps. They do enjoy a good natter and a chinwag over a spot of your finest O positive, but hey, that's just their way of showing affection, right? Besides, a bit of mozzie repellent and a good dose of Irish wit (which you'll find in abundance here) keeps them at bay. Speaking of the Irish, this campsite is practically an Emerald Isle reunion! You'll hear more craic and ceol (that's fun and music for the uninitiated) than a leprechaun convention. The friendly banter is enough to chase away any lingering mozzie blues, and let's be honest, there's nothing funnier than a gaggle of pasty-faced Brits trying (and failing) to master a jig after a few pints of Guinness. Domaine des Ormes is pure magic, with a healthy dose of Irish charm thrown in for good measure. Just be sure to pack your midge repellent, your best one-liners, and an extra bottle of holy water (for those particularly enthusiastic mosquitos, ahem). You won't regret a single giggle, céad míle fáilte (that's a hundred thousand welcomes)!