14. oktober 2024
我作為酒店從業者真是很佩服Alex可以把家庭旅館打理的這麼完美! 這條評語不是寫下簡單的乾淨整潔,服務好,位置好就可以表達我的感受的!我想説的是佈置的很有特色,很有藝術氣息,充分利用了所有資源但是不擁擠,處處體現出經營者的高品味和用心經營!在旅遊業尚未復甦之際Alex為客人提供的各種食品飲料體驗了他極大的善意!所以這是一個高度值得推薦的家庭旅館!我還會再回來!
As a hotel practitioner, I really admire Alex for managing his family hotel so perfectly! This comment is not just about being clean, tidy, good service and good location to express my feelings! What I want to say is that the layout is very unique and artistic, making full use of all resources but not crowded, and reflecting the high taste and careful management of the operator everywhere! Alex's great kindness in providing guests with various food and beverages when the tourism industry has not yet recovered!
So this is a highly recommended family hotel! I will come back again! Thanks Alex!