10. maj 2023
The “parking on site “ is misleading. Here is a copy of the WhatsApp chat after I booked it and checked if we needed to reserve a parking space for my retired wife and I in our small camper. Stephen: I came to your drive today and found no parking lot at the bottom. Just a dirt track going down other side . No safe parking lot as suggested . I Took a picture of this . You cannot get to the area you just sent me ! I walked up and saw your area but it is not accessible . We decided to drive on to a safer place and we are now on lake Garda . Your web site does not tell the full story of “ private parking on site “ you should at least state how difficult it is to get there or as your partner said last night “ come to the structure on foot. from the parking lot to the farmhouse there are about 600 m. otherwise, call me and I'll come get you. [03/05/2023, 21:01:48] +39 349 447 2931: if you came to the structure, at least you could show yourself, I had informed you that with the camper, it was difficult, if not impossible, to come up ... clearer than that ..... however in 11 years of activity, I can tell you, that I have never had this problem, and that there are those who have managed to come up with the camper .... it was correct to tell me everything immediately, I wrote to you and also tried to call.... [03/05/2023, 21:09:38] Stephen: You are confirming the problem with your web page Your web site says on site parking but after I made the booking - you then tell me it’s impossible to come up with a small van of 5.5 m. This advice is not on your web site . It should be fir the safety of people who book up like us. You know this . [03/05/2023, 21:15:26] Stephen: I will sleep on it before I put in a review with my pictures if I can tomorrow. I have been contacted by *********** also . At the moment this is unfair on my wife and I since you have the fee and you have the web site saying “parking on site “. This discrepancy has to be met .