No 18, Xihuan bei Road, economic and technological development zone, Beijing, Daxing District, Beijing, ChinaVis hoteloplysninger
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Premium Double Bed Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Overnattede i jun. 2024
2 anmeldelse
Meget god
Slået op den 30. jun. 2024
The room considers clean with good design. The front desk customer service was good, they helped us to order food with their mobile phones due to we do not have local phone number. The food was sent by robot to our room. They were responsive to enquiries too. However, the cleaner missed out few replacements and wrong replacement during room cleaning, for example the shoe wipe is placed at the facial towel box, and the facial tower was not given at our last night. Location wise, the metro station is just 1 street away from the hotel, it’s very convenient. It’s slightly further from the tourism spots, about 30 mins away.
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Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客:您好,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!期待您的再次光臨!
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Særligt værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i okt. 2024
13 anmeldelse
Slået op den 3. okt. 2024
I have some booking issues on site when I seek the help of Ms Wang, the hotel reception staff. She gave me very good advices and assisted me in using the chinese apps which we are not familiar with. Her sincerity to understand our issues and went out of rhe way to provide us assistance is so much appreciated. I would certainly recommend this place to my friends if they want a good hotel, near subway, quieter and peaceful with excellent staffs. Best.
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Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!酒店為方便客人更好的休息,更充足的睡眠,特地將早餐時間延長為7:00-11:30,期待您的再次光臨體驗!
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Boutique-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i jun. 2024
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 8. jul. 2024
This was the best hotel in a while for me. People on the reception were super nice and ready to help in any way possible. The room was spotless, and cleaning service was done every day + refill of the beverages made our stay super comfortable. The location of the hotel is excellent - metro station is just 500 meters or so. Additionally, there are so many food options in the same building as the hotel - we dine in 3 of them, and they were all great. There was also China mobile office so we were able to buy a local SIM quite easily. Overall one of my favorite hotels now!
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Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客,非常開心能看到您對酒店服務的高度評價,酒店位於北京市大興區,緊鄰五環,距離亦莊橋地鐵站僅需步行1分鐘就可到達,乘地鐵30分鐘左右即可到達北京各大熱門旅遊景點,公共交通方便,酒店設有大型免費停車場及市政充電樁,尤其適合因北京市車輛限行政策,無法將車輛開至五環內的自駕游出行貴賓。至北京歡樂谷開車僅需20分鐘,交通非常便利。再次感謝您的讚賞和信任,我們承諾將繼續努力,不斷提升服務質量,為您提供更加温馨、舒適的住宿環境。期待着您再次選擇我們,併為您創造更多美好的回憶。衷心祝願您旅途愉快,萬事如意!
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Boutique-værelse med queensize-seng
Overnattede i apr. 2024
20 anmeldelse
Slået op den 9. apr. 2024
Lovely hotel, modern and very clean condition and the majority of the staff are very helpful.
Before booking the hotel, I reached out to them via to confirm that they had non-smoking rooms, as it is common in China, that even if specified non-smoking, customers will still smoke in the rooms. When checking into the hotel, the first room they showed me had a lingering smell of smoke, so they very kindly showed me other rooms for my inspection, before selecting a room I was happy with - This shows excellent understanding and customer service.
The hotel is an excellent location for the Beijing subway, as the Yixhuang station is right opposite the hotel, and there are a few nice restaurants within walking distance, and a large BHG shopping mall is just 5 minutes away by Didi\taxi.
The breakfast room at the hotel is also very clean, bright, modern and organized, with a good selection of food options, mainly Chinese, although it would be good if they offered some breakfast cereals, milk, and glasses for the fruit juice.
The only problem I had at the hotel was that each morning when trying to have breakfast, the concierge at the breakfast room entrance wanted from me a ticket\voucher for breakfast, that I had not been provided, so each morning I was taken by him to reception to request approval for me to have breakfast - Quite frustrating 🤔
I would like to give an excellent recommendation and feedback for Xiao Li on reception - A lovely, efficient, hotel member of staff, who assisted me with extending my stay at the hotel, and she did this without fuss or problem and very efficiently - She is an asset to the hotel and can be relied upon.
Overall, very happy with the hotel and do not hesitate to recommend it to visitors to Yizhuang and Beijing.
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Svar fra overnatningssted: Thank you very much for your recognition of Langlitz and your high praise. It is our honor to come to our beautiful country and provide you with a pleasant rest experience amidst your busy schedule. We also hope to have the opportunity to provide you with better service in the future. Your kindness, tolerance, and fair opinions are the key to our progress. Your affirmation, praise, and recognition are the driving force for us to continuously improve our service. We hope that you can think of our beautiful country no matter where you are, and think of our Langlitz hotel. Our team is always ready to provide you with an extraordinary service experience.
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Premium Double Bed Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Overnattede i nov. 2024
Rejs med venner
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 9. dec. 2024
Great service , friendly staffs
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,朗麗茲酒店亦莊店擁有男女獨立湯泉,寒冷的冬天預訂甄選、影音、家庭四種房型,可以免費享受湯泉,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!酒店為方便客人更好的休息,更充足的睡眠,特地將早餐時間延長為7:00-11:30,期待您的再次光臨體驗!
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Family Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Overnattede i maj 2024
Rejs med venner
2 anmeldelse
Slået op den 14. maj 2024
It is good but location is little bit far from center
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您對朗麗茲的認可,客人的每一絲需求都是我們為之努力的方向。我們一定更加努力,打造五星級水準,期待您下一次的出行,我們能為您創造更加完美的服務。
Overnattede i jan. 2024
Rejs med venner
4 anmeldelse
Slået op den 23. feb. 2024
Good hotel.
Svar fra overnatningssted: 感謝您對朗麗茲的用心點評,我們也始終堅信用心就能做好,追求極致服務,我們願在路上與您一同分享成長的喜悦,給您帶來更多的驚喜和感動,歡迎常回家看看!
Tony^ _ ^
Tatami Queen Size Seng Værelse
Overnattede i mar. 2023
1 anmeldelse
Slået op den 18. mar. 2023
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您對朗麗茲的認可,客人的每一絲需求都是我們為之努力的方向。我們一定更加努力,打造五星級水準,期待您下一次的出行,我們能為您創造更加完美的服務。
Premium Double Bed Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Overnattede i maj 2022
3 anmeldelse
Slået op den 8. maj 2022
Very good
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,感謝您的好評哦!每個城市總會有讓然惦念的理由,每個季節都有我們難捨的景色,每個酒店都有他們甜美而温馨的回憶,希望朗麗茲酒店會是您回憶裏最温馨獨特的那個!常回朗麗茲看看哦,祝:安好!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人:非常感謝您選擇入住北京朗麗茲酒店亦莊橋地鐵站店,也很感激您分享詳實且客觀的入住感受。能讓您在位置、停車、辦理入住以及房間整潔度等方面感到滿意,我們由衷地高興。對於您提到的客房阿姨做房動靜大以及服務人員溝通失誤這兩個問題,我們萬分愧疚。這與我們追求卓越服務品質的理念背道而馳,我們已將問題記錄並向相關部門嚴肅反饋。接下來會加強對員工的培訓,規範工作流程,確保類似情況不再發生。我們始終致力於為客人打造舒適的住宿環境,您的建議是我們前進的動力。期待未來有機會再次接待您,屆時定讓您看到我們的改進與提升。
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Anonym bruger
Premium Double Bed Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,朗麗茲酒店亦莊店擁有男女獨立湯泉,寒冷的冬天預訂甄選、影音、家庭四種房型,可以免費享受湯泉,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!期待您的再次光臨體驗!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,朗麗茲酒店亦莊店擁有男女獨立湯泉,寒冷的冬天預訂甄選、影音、家庭四種房型,可以免費享受湯泉,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!期待您的再次光臨體驗!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您選擇我們的酒店並給予我們寶貴的評價。我們很高興您對房間、衞生和早餐的滿意度很高。關於您提到的前台服務問題,我們已經注意到並會對此進行改進,以提高我們的服務質量。如果您有任何其他建議或需求,請隨時與我們聯繫,我們將竭誠為您提供幫助。再次感謝您的支持與信任,期待您的下次光臨!
Svar fra overnatningssted: 您好,朗麗茲酒店亦莊店擁有男女獨立湯泉,寒冷的冬天預訂甄選、影音、家庭四種房型,可以免費享受湯泉,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!期待您的再次光臨體驗!
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Family Room (Heated Towel Rack + Mini Fridge + Smart Mirror)
Svar fra overnatningssted: 親愛的客人,您好:非常感謝您的細緻點評!看到您對房間衞生、設施及周邊交通便利給予好評,我們滿心歡喜,這是團隊努力的成果。對於早餐的失誤,我們萬分愧疚,已深刻反思並採取措施加強管理,保證絕不再出現此類問題。朗麗茲酒店亦莊店擁有男女獨立湯泉,寒冷的冬天預訂甄選、影音、家庭四種房型,可以免費享受湯泉,朗麗茲酒店致力於打造輕奢設計風格,温馨住宿環境,客房強調精緻與格調帶來的品位感多種功能房型,滿足客人多元喜好五星級靜音設計+獨有安全感睡眠系統,全面升級舒眼仲驗豐富燈光模式選擇+智慧家居解決方案,打造從容空間受讓客房不再侷限於睡,更服務於住,酒店設有自助洗衣房提供洗衣機、烘乾機、熨燙機和高端品牌消毒、洗滌產品每位賓客皆可免費使用,為你旅住宿生活更添從容,很榮幸我們的服務能得到您如此高的評價,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,真摯地為客人服務!酒店為方便客人更好的休息,更充足的睡眠,特地將早餐時間延長為7:00-11:30,期待您的再次光臨體驗!